Jealousy among female friends is common, so common till i find it lame to talk or even write about it. But since their population is increasing exponentially day by day, i have the sudden urge to write about this.
One character of jealousy people that i sense is, they always hunger for details. Dont feed them.
When detail isn't provided, she becomes presumptuous which consequently enable her to compose a ridiculous tale to defame you. To make it more dramatic and convincing, she will hire few kepoh ah soh to multiple the actions and to find one is easy, since the ratio of kepoh: non kepoh is 100:1
You think you live in peace, until the tale comes to your knowledge. Stay sane. You dont want to involve in a pig fight, both gets dirty but the pig likes it more. Silence is golden. You know everything is untrue so dont bother to deny. Quoting Eleanor Roosevelt "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".
Therefore, if you have succeed to stay unaffected and excel in your work, that is going to be the greatest counter attack ever. It's possible, someone prove it.
This one .jpeg is dedicated to you.
p/s perempuan memang suka tengok boobs perempuan lain.
sia pun suka tinguk tu ... :D
Tapi sa pla nda sua tgk yg opposite sa ja wakakakaka
Mell....agree with you...but at present, I am so upset with two lovey dovey that sat above my car on a pipe line. I hate it! Read my entry..give me some adv.
Sob sob sob
Greg: Itu sudah tentu. haha
Alv: sure? nti sy kasi tgk gambar jessica biel dgn ko la ah? XD
Honey: Ok honey,will try ya.
True! Quoting you, 'silence is golden'.
i agree totally.....
Wow...i take it as a kinda advice about women. thanks
hehhehe...mmg ada urang2 kan sy tia jeles tgk ninin basar mcm tu sukaa lagi...hahaha
one thing i practice la...if i do good or berjaya kunun, atau dpt yg bagus2.. sy diam2 sja...hehe so teda la chance org mo jeles..hihi tapi kalau yg durang sendiri nampak...tau...apa blh buat u said...silence is golden ;)
i like the quote - Silence is golden. :)
Adora: yep,applicable in any ways.
Eugene: *high five*
Willie: welcome.
Claire: yg penting dont feed them with details lah ni kan. hehe. kalau ninin besar pun mau jeles,bagus jangan tgk tv la kan. haha..
Mama Mia: yeah,being silent can do wonder at times.
yahaha... true tu mell.. i like this post... sya pun nda tau la napa org suka kepoh, tu la ko slalu nmpk sya sm kris ja ni.. hehe... lelaki nda brapa kepoh..miahaha.. skrg sya experience that ooo tp nda tau la dia kepoh atau nda..huahua... stress2.. but bgs jan buang karan la sm org2 gitu kan...yay... ba smile owez :)
good advice, mell~! and things you discussed here are so very the true..
hihihi...kalau sy tgk tv...nampak ninin sja..yeay...gumbira hati...hahaha
Lain macam ja si claire ni but interesting.. Kalau orang tingu ko pya tu Claire, ko gumbira jugakah? hahaha :D
Mell : dari mana ko dapat ratio tu? Pengajaran yang sya dapat di sini adlh, kalau mau kaya kita mesti diam2. Lagi banyak kita diam, lagi banyak emas yang kita kumpul hehehe.. Ngam kaitu?
i like to tingu tingu... hehe
oo..majoriti suka tgo tu benda..not bad..hahaha..
Nadia: kalau ko ada kawan yg respect your life,know her boundary,ok suda tu. Tapi lelaki pun ada jg yg kepoh,ada coursemate sy begitu gaya.haihz.
Annie: yup,we ladies shouldnt concern much la dengan org yg jeles menjeles ni.
Claire: haha..macam best pula tgk tv sama kau ni tau.
Ornest: *menyampuk* You can look but you cant touch ba kan claire..haha
Itu ratio cuma numerical fact ba tu,quantitatively..the idea behind that is, skrg, mau cari org yg kepoh2 tu sgt senang,apa lagi kalau ada cerita pasal keburukan org, laju tu tersebar. I believe you know what i mean la,ko lagi senior dari sy kan,musti byk benda suda ko witnessed.
Kong: I know i know :D
Clarence: Quoting myself 'you can look but you cant touch',so just look if you must..ppn and lelaki pun boleh..haha
ive met a kepoh person..a male.
good looking..gentleman (kunun) - but 100% kepoh.
erkkkk..i think i 'like' to see other gals boobs too..hahahhaa!!! sungguh ganjil sekali!!!!
bkn pa mel ppm cam2...urg cam2 kan,xda keja bah dia...sndri xda keja, 2 yg mata sibuk p tgk pa urg wat...haaaah, sna start la kepoh dia...xbo nampak urg lebih ckit,bgaya ckit abis smua dia kepoh...d tpt keja sy da 2...hahaha...well,pa bo wat...manusia dlahirkan dgn bmcm karenah...just bear wit it...
p/s: are those consider nice boobs? kurg seimbang jak...
remind me when I was in high school, heck am not talking about boobs, but how skinny I was that got this girl, who always follow me home, I mean my mum drive her home coz she's one of my "fren". She'll be asking whether I eat well or I've been smoking pot or wutever shite la...funny oh
I quote "p/s perempuan memang suka tengok boobs perempuan lain."
Oh now i knew!
Well, about jealousy, there is no specific gender that do worst from the other. i've met both. i just call them human. simply as that and we can make this world a better one. but daaaaaim, we are only human.
i still love the boobs tho'.
haha..ninin besar pun mau jeles..bikin barat sja bawa jalan2..haha..
nc: nah,suits the saying 'dont judge the book by its cover'
kadusmama: oh itu tidak ganjil tu. hehe..
Step aka 'us': dimana mana pun ada ba manusia seperti ini,then be it lah. Manusia jg tu,dorang mau jg hidup. hehe
Oh about boobs,fyi no original boobs look symmetrical bah.I watched that in Oprah. But you'll find that fact too in google. hehe.
Massy: OMG..punya lah sampai begitu sekali.
Mell(tsm4): Yeah,now you know..i believe no men hate boobs.
Wel: Mcm mana ko tau berat tu wel? ko ada ninin besar ka? hahaha.
hihihi...nti kita p tgk tv sama2 la mell....nampak ninin sja kita teriak...o my goat.ninin! kita bilang k..hahahhaha o ya...mmg ninin nda sama ba kanan dan kiri..semua ppuan yg ada original boobs tau tu...hehehe
Oiga, kalau urang tgk ninin sy buli jg...apa salah nya..seperti yg sy katakan selalu..mesti mo share2 ba..hahah tp jgn la jadi smpi mcm rude or maniac...tu sesiapa pun nda suka...berpada2 la kalau kau mau tgk aa...hahahha
hehe... nda juga jeles kali mell... cuma mengidamkan/mengingini seperti itu... LOL..
Ciptaan Tuhan begia tuh... sepa nda suka tingu!! wakakaka
hahahha..macam kerja kita selalu dulu tu kan mel, pigi sana warisan square cuci mata "..tut..tut" perempuan laen. kasi banding2 lagi tu...hahhahahha..gila tu karaja...
Great post, great blog.
Jealously = Envy
Itu seven deadly sins tue bah... kena hati hati lah kuntrul..
But the pict (not sure if she looks becoz she jealous or..) but I think anyone would 'have to look' at somthing enormous like that :P
wahahah mell baru sa nampak ni post, really the pun suka tingu jg (hahah!!) natural baituuu..heheheh
While a funny photo and accompanying slogan at face value, I'm nor sure if Sophia is jealous or just disdainful. I suspect it's the latter. Sophia was a true, non-artificial beauty, and I'd wager to say she'd not be too ambitions to be jealous of a bottle blonde with huge, pendulous, droopy fat bags hanging off the front of her. With an exotic, unique and stunning look like like Sofia's, hanging udders were not necessary to get noticed. Sophia wins, and I doubt that's jealousy we're seeing on her face. More like "bitch please, tuck that mess in."
atukui ! cerita pasal ninin plak neh... sia ikut durang yang len len la...suka tingu tingu...hahaha
tingu bleh, pegang jangan... kena minta izin dulu..ahaks
no wonder pretty and hot girl always being around with her ugly friend.hahaha....always seen that situation you know.this pretty lady always make friend with not that pretty lady so that she can "menonjolkan" herself and the thing is that the not pretty girl around her always perasan that she is as beautiful as her friend.girl, you are cruel(not referring to you directly.but in general to all the lady out there)....hahaha....
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