2. Hummer..i've seen this truck twice in KK; once at IP's traffic light, 2nd time it was parked in front of the fed govt building. Unluckily i dont have the chance to look at the driver. I'm so gonna be jealous if it happens to be a female! uhuhu :(
3. Wrangler Jeep. I dont like the 4 doors version, it'll have the same look as Hummer. And if that happens, i'd still go for Hummer. keh keh keh.
4. Mazda rx-7. I love it for obvious reason..duh??
5. Toyota Altezza...in which i always mistaken as Subaru Imprezza.
6. Mini couper- as much as i love big big car, i do love minis too. Cute.
7. Hm..My boss's car? haha..
I'm so lazy to put the pic of the others, it's no alien to you also.
bah apa jenis ko punya boss punya kerita?? hehehe
Hummer?! Ui, I've never seen a Hummer here before! Untungnya you keeke...
iya...apa la kreta boss kau kunun? hehe..ko tau kalau kreta kici sy prefer tu beetle Volkswagen la...tu lagi kiut ba mell....mcm kumbang sja dia btl2 bejalan2 dengan pantas nya ke sana ke mari dan blh menyisip2 d mana jua...hehe
to those who comment here are subject to do this tag! miahahahaha
kadusmama: hehe..bos bawa prado king..sungguh gagah dan perkasa.
arms: hi! hehe..my fren did saw it in raz ba,terus dia ambil gmbr and taruk di frenster ni..haha.
claire: haha...sy suka tu perumpamaan yg ko guna oo..best jg tu beetle, sampai ada tu permainan pukul dahi sempena kewujudan dia..haha
simple yet sentimental ba ko punya tag ni mell.....prado king ka..adadada..tp kasi langgar tu hummer...sepa menang..ba live on ur dream.who knws someday..it will come true...
wel: hummer la ba menang. tp kalau sy ada hummer pun,sy nda berani langgar my bos..haha..hopefully will come true la wel ;)
wahhhh!! prado king memang sangat gagah perkasa..susah ko mau nampak tu kerita sini kl..sana sabah saja banyak tu..
terpaksa ka sy buat ni tag ni?? cis! hehe
kurita yg besar dan gagah mmg siuk..tp tia tau kenapa..sy kasi numbur dua la tu..sy mau jg tu beetle dan apabila sy keluar dari kurita dengan sexy nya...sangat mengancam sy rasa...hahaha mmg kiut ba tu beetle..mcmna jg..hahhaha my fav car...naa sda sy buat tag...satu sja cukup la..yg lain rahasia..ekeke
kdmama: best kan tu prado king,tgk seja pun mcm high sd..haha..sot. tp tu hummer jg la yg bikin melopong ni..hummer oo hummer
claire: iya,terpaksa..hehe..1 seja? nanti sy kurik lg rasia ko punya peberet cars..akan ku kurik dan kurik lagi.
kuril mell...jgn nda kurik...hahahhaha nti ada ms jg kita bebisik2 kn..aaaa...masa tu la...keh keh keh
haha! mell.. tingkiu for doing my tags haha! :) nice one.. blue weii.. ^_^ cntik baa! :D
hummer is really solid .... but practically, its too big for malaysian roads
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