What a weird title but i like it coz i know u'll definitely read this wahahaha.
So here are those best 5 foods i've eaten in various places KK, KL. Kch ada bah juga tapi dalam facebook and not in the list., tapi dalam list facebook ada. itu dia penciptaan cerita yang bagus sekali.

This is no foreign to us Sabahans. Its a combination of sayur lada putih, tuhau, spring onion, bunga kantan ( i loveee the taste, i usually add in more!) which usually stir fried with salted fish or dried shrimp. Siapa yg bilang tidak sedap,cuba kunun tukar tukang masak haha.
Sate tulang. Bought this in MAHA stalls last November. Unlike typical sate that i've eaten before, this one are made of bony parts of chickens. Kalau lapar, i dont recommend this nanti tertelan. This one should not be eaten in rush because you definitely wants to enjoy the every inch of the bones. ohmai saya lapar.
Me and husband eaten these right after our pre wedding photo shoot. i forgot the restaurant's name but it's in *foh sang and the porridge is it's specialty. It's pork porridge, with sayur manis oyster and deep friend pork intestines as side dishes.The deep friend one is new for both of us, cantik bah gorengan dia and the taste? So sedap sehingga tiada lagi keayuan tata tertib makan ku wahaha.
edited: I found the restaurant's name! and it's How Lee coffee shop. Check out the reviews here
edited: I found the restaurant's name! and it's How Lee coffee shop. Check out the reviews here
Last but not least, chocolate cream puff in Beard Papa, Midvalley, available in 2 flavors; vanilla and chocolate. It has many branches in various shopping complex in KL tapi mengapa di KK tiada? mengapa?? mengapa kau pergi, mengapa kau menduakan. See the part where i circle it, can you see how generous the cream inside the hollow puff??? Mengapa tiada di KK? Mengapa?
Ok, by now i believe most of you have taken ur dinner, so dont blame me for any kelaparan caused.
So what are the best 5 foods you've eaten since 4 months ago? (mau juga 4 kah, 10 pun boleh ba juga haha)
Happy weekend people! :)