Almost everyone is doing this quiz, i might as well join the club right?
Someone told me that my name is sexy

, somehow i think it's more to unique than sexay.
What's Sexy About Your Name
You are sexy because you are torrid. You are a fiery lover.
You have an extremely high sex drive. And you don't do much to control it.
You crave variety and excitement. If someone interests you, you'll pursue them... full force.
Your passion is all consuming. There's nothing that can quell your sexual energy.
Sexual freedom is very important to you. You don't like following rules.
You feel that anything between consenting adults should be fair game.

BF is going to laugh like a retarded
tenuk after reading that.
Happy weekend peeps.
punya seksi kenen ko sini mell..wah sumandak dusun ka ni..mcm tagalog o juga..wahaha...what a statement betul tu punya prediction game..wahaha..ada yg menakutkan tu mell..hehe..
wel: mana satu yg bikin takut tu? LOL. Smp sy tua la melakat tu tagalog sama sy ba. huhu. pasrah sj la sy.
Mell sweet smile, pandai ko posing ah, ada gaya model oh.
hehehe...ingatkan tagalog mana tadi..ahaks, jan marah bah mell...lawa lawa jua tu tagalog..hehehe
macam model juga bah ni...
Pangako Sayo... ades...
gregchai: posing express tu greg,habis tu tukang katik mau cepat2 kan. hehe
BH: pangako sayo too BH. LOL.
ouhhhh~ im not sure bout my name.. lol probably must be ugly! haha! but naaa.. no thanx.. haha!! its cool baa mell.. ^_^ nice pic.. love those smiles! ^_^""
love.. those.. smilesss~ >_<"" hmm.. xoxoxox rock on!
ui nah...mell....seksy bah ko nie...terseksa sia tinguk...inda dpt tidur sia semalam tinguk gambar ko..hehehe
high sex drive and u don't like following rules? i knew it....i knew it....hahaha
wan santik dan sexy.... sweetie ba...hw about u sweetie?extremely over the peak ka..haha....
interesting jg kalu inda mau ikut rules ba sweetie..lg best..hehe..
wah ni mcm buli ikut next year punya unduk la mel..hehehe..
beck: ngeeee xD. thanks
andrik: bah,matai la kalau gitu tu. perlu sy delete kaitu gambar? LOLs
sweetie:'s just a random quiz ba tu,not to be taken seriously.
wel lagi: haha..ko ah,mesti unsur2 anu ni..anu la..haha
urg ranau: huhu..mustahil ba tu joy. huhu
mell..(sambil lap2 idung ni).. mcm sa terlap merah dari lubang idung sa.. berdarah kali ni... dei
Lovely smile oh.. mau pok ambik gambar ko ni nanti... *winkwink* buli ka? BBKK bah kan? hehehe...
kuai: *kasi top up tisu si kuai* bah,kasitau sj masa dan tempat. yg ptg bukan malam dan bukan ari bekerja ah. (demanding mcm la artis ba..LOL)
^_^ "Mcm sy nampak ko di CP ni kemarin??" kata seorang pemuda separuh umur menerusi ruangan komen d blog Kakak Mell F.
Hahaha!! Awasla ko, sepa suru publish pic ko.
tiada yg mustahil dlm hidup mel..
aik?? sia ingat sia sudah komen..!
Uiii..ko punya pix juga yang menarik hati sia ni tau!! PHEWITTT!!!
defoo: mustahil tu vin,sy duduk dirumah sj satu ari. huhu
urg ranau: byk2 benda yg possible joy,unduk ngadau sj impossible la bg sy.
kdmama: hehe..thanks. nda tau mcm mana la rupa sy lepas ada anak ni. huhu
Err bukan peserta unduk ngadau ka si mell ni? owww mungkin salah urg, pelanduk 2 serupa...hehe
reno: manada..huhu
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