I'm using the classic template, minima which you can find easily in the blogger's default templates. I made some changes too; i've extend the width, i've remove the border of the blog title and insert some colours. I want to make it 3 columns albeit i might not fully utilise the space (ha ha) but the lazy bugs dont want to get off me, hence i just have to make do with 2-columns only lah.
And currently, i got this chalazion on my left eye. And if you must say i am peeping anyone, then i would definitely answer 'YES,i am! I even captured the videos, wanna see?!' Duhh.
Chalazion says hello to world. ha ha.
It's less painful today, but sure it's getting the very very mostest ugliest everyday but yeah, it'll recover soon. So friends, if i turn down your outing invitations, please dont be mad ok? Later i got lots of attention than you people, then how lah? ha ha.
Anyway, happy monday. Monday is innocent, dont hate 'em.
itu la peeping saja..
ba recover cpt2..
nanti x dpt kuar jln2..
mell cuba ko ikat benang hitam at ur middle finger..slalu time budak2 sa kena suru buat mcm tu..
Max: iya lah,lepas ni turn kau lagi kena cubuk. haha. jaga! Sy tidak percaya oo tu benang hitam max. adei.
ko mau cubuk sa??
jgn..sa takut biru mata ko psl kena tumbuk..haha
Org tua2 ba punya petua tu..
Max: deh,nda takut. haha.
people, people! dont look mell straight on the eye! nanti tejangkit.
oh.. wait, itu redeye pula tu kan. ok people, panic's over. go back to work.
Weiiiii... I also got these..! Kotut!
Sya lagi toruk owhh..huhuhuh.. kiri kanan ada.. up and down...
ganti2 lagi owhh...
1st time sya kena.. soada orang suruh ikat benang itam di jari tengah..
alala mell , kesian ko...nda lama tu sembuh juga tu...:)
u shud hav gone straight inside the shower cubicle ba tu...nda merah tu mata...pandai biru tau..hahahha get well soon girl... ;)
hey, this morning i just had breakfast with my ex colleague, same like u too, a boil inside her eye.. so swollen...
better taken some antibiotics.. it cures faster..
get some rest Mell, mungkin too much computer kali
get better soon.
get well soon...get some rest..drink plenty of h2o.
mell mell mell...tu sja sia dapat cakap..suda sia cakap jan jajal kan...ba kasi ubat la ah..nanti makin menjadi jadi susa lagi..ko beli tu timun kasi putung nipis lepas tu ko taru sana..sambil2 kasi rest sambil2 jg menjaga kesihatan mata yang letih..haha..
Mell(tsm4): LOL! but seriously, certain people have such thinking bah. haha. funny juga lah in a way.
Johnny: ya ka? sy pun selalu jg ba kena this,and sy tidak percaya la tu ikat2 benang hitam. adeih.
Sogoh: iya.tsk tsk.
Claire bennet: itu bukan mengintip lagi kalau begitu. haha.
Reanaclaire: ya,antibiotic rawks. thanks ;)
Gregchai: heh,perhaps. anyway, thanks for the concern.
Honey: ok,will do. thanks.
Wel: ko mabuk ka ni? tiada kaitan bah jajal dgn ni penyakit. Even sy mau jajal pun,it's none of ur bisnes bah kan. haha!
wah..menawan sungguh mata mu mell..
Clarence: sudah tentu. haha
hemmm... annoying oo kan... capat2 hilang la tu kotut mell!!... sa pun nda mau kana jangkit... wakakaka.. JK
minum plain water cukup2 ah.. :)
kuai: ba ba..jaga,nti kena tu. haha.
get well lah... kasi ais
aduhh Mell, seksi tu mata ko :P amatlah simple sekali kekeke
bah pakai cincin benang itam :P
DA: aduh,seksi ka. haha. dont want la to pakai tu benang.
halala.. kalau sa, sa pakai jua benang itam oh mell.. indatau apa teori dia, cepat pula ilang.. ;)
get well soon anyway.. by the way, sepa ko cubuk ni aa sampai gini mata? hihihi.. kidding~!
alamak!! kena pitut!!! Bah sabar saja ko mell...! pandai baik sendiri bah tu..! what i know about it kan, its the liang2 got infected bah konon tu..hehe but how true itu cakapan, sia pun nda tau..so tunggu baik saja lah ya..
Alamak cian dia..bah lain kali jgn peeping arr..hehehhe..joking ya
ahh....mel...hahaha...kesian ko kana kotut....jan ko pi tinguk l lain kali bah..kalau ko mau pi tinguk jan lupa bawa sama2.hehehe
Annie: mau baik2 sd ni..teda jg sy berbenang. hehe
Kdmama: iya,that's what the doc said too. syukur la sd mau baik2 ni.
Alv: haha..sy mau jg peeping :P
Andrik: ketawa la ba,nti ko kena sy kasi ketawa ko balik. haha.
Ui mel np lagi mata ko tu...
selalu bah kan ko gitu
Sy kalu kena kotut kan, habis dlu dia pusing tu mata baru sembuh..anu, sy pun tia picaya ni benang hitam...tp, ni petua nenek sy la.. p intai tu ayam yg sedang mengeram and say 'ko lah yg kotuton'..hahaha i know i know, cam buduh2 but, i'd done it. maybe just coinciden ni mata akan sembuh few days after that...
Baik suda kotut ko Mell? Sia ada juga mengamalkan petua mcm c Adora cakap tu, ikat benang hitam d jari..ntah la mmg butul2 effective or kebetulan sj, baik bah tu kotut after 2-3 hari.
urang bilang kana kencing lipas tu kan?
Hehe..dear friend,it has healed completely :):):)
Ann: bukan,this one teruk lagi than kena kencing lipas..haha
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