Early this morning i came to office, and surprised to see the main door isnt locked, as well as my room. I wasn't in the office for the past 2 days, so i dont know who's coming to the office and careless enough to leave the door unlock.
I know it wasnt some careless act when i see the ceilings are open, and that's how the robber(s) get to enter the room. So now my office got these wayar berjuntai disana sini. As for the main door, the robber(s) break it to enter. I can see the kesan of maybe screwdriver/knife.
Luckily the robber(s) didnt get to take anything from the office, although they already gathered the things that they want. Terlampau berat or maybe sebab tiada transportation :P But still, a police report need to be lodge and then they came and take all the suspect(s) thumbprints. CSI on actions yo. hehe.
I dont feel safe working here *sigh, hopefully the new lock is effective enough to prevent this to happen again.
Ok, so i feel like doing the tags and awards pada hari ini.
Meme-Tag from Si Oiga
Where is your cell phone............on the table
Your father............................... is handsome and maybe tengah kurik hidung
Your favorite thing................... O.S as how Fred describe it
Your dream last night............. uh,bad one.
Your favorite drink.................. carrot juice
Your dream/goal................. to get financial freedom in advance macam si Oiga.
The room you are in..............office room?
Your fear..............................loosing my loved ones.
Where do you want to be in 6 years...........at the top of my career.
Muffin................................... chocolate di kenny rogers sungguh sedap.
One of your wish list items........Nikon p5100
Where you grew up....................Lahad Datu
The last thing you did................membelai rambut sendiri
What are you wearing................long pants, blouse
Your TV.................................aged more than 7 years and still working excellently
Your pets..............................i only have a cat
Your computer....................my 3 y.o toshiba satelite lappy, still alive and kicking..haha
Your life...............................is great and i view it optimistically.
Your mood...........................happy..yeay!
Missing someone....................i do.
Your car...............................from Proton
Favorite store.........................Survey over Giant.
Your summer.........................is great, i get tanned all over my bodeh (in my dream)
Your favorite color................blue
When is the last time you laughed....few minutes ago
Last time you cried.....................few weeks ago, during watching marley&me.
Person who emails me.............boss
Favorite foods..............ikan masin, ikan salai, ikan goreng, bosou ikan, kepala ikan, bambangan
Place I would rather be right now................my bedroom :D
Person I think will respond................my dear readers.
Birthday wishes tag. I kinda like this one, thanks Mama Mia & Izan.
The rules to comply with:-
1. Make a list of what you want on your birthday
2. The list should be 10 numbers
3. Post the image of this award in your posting
4. Give it to 10 friends of yours
On my 24th birthday this year, i want (to):
1. buy a new decent cellphone
2. buy that camera
3. get a new job.
4. start forgiving.
5. stay slim *ehem and cellulite free.
6. save more $ for Nov and Dec 'occasions'.
7. insured myself, my prev insurance has reached tempoh matang. yeay!
8. get a full body checkup
9. -
I rarely tag people and this time, i'm going to break the rule. I'm tagging:
Claire Bennet, C.Alv.B, AnnieMing, Gracie, Kuai, Esther, Juend, Step_hanie, Traciee, Oiga
Happy Answering ;)

I like the one yg cellulite free :-D.
Nah!! kamu lagi kana broke-in! silaka sekali kan bila sampai2 opis tingu keadaan yang betempiran..!
Bah mari kita buat wish untuk stay slim and cellulite free tahun nie..hehehee
astaga ko ni buat andaian ttg bapa ko lucu la..mihahaha :) teda body guard ka sana tmpt ko? kami pun satu bulan yg lalu kena pecah masuk bilik guru disiplin kami.. smua nama2 pelajar yg kena denda salah laku abis hilang.. huhu.. kena mendenda blk la ni.. but nasib sya bhgn pengawas ja.. :)
Izan: ya,harus di lakukan tu. hehe
Kdmama: iya,punya la berhamburan sana sini. aish. hehe..sy suda start berwish utk cellulite free ni. haha..muga2 tercapai la niat sy itu.
Nadia: hihi..suka sy uluk2 bapa sy tu. ada guard jg sini,tapi maybe dorang lupa mau lock the main gate that day maka terjadi la itu kecurian. uih,mcm kes sabotaj pula tu tau. nah mau start berandaian sd sy ni. haha
muahaha..patut la kau suka kucing...sama sja kamu ni sy tgk...makanan kegemaran adalah apa sja makanan yg bermula atau berakhir dgn 'ikan'....hihihihi
mell..kau stay slim ka? jd sy? hahaha nda pandai2 slim ni tau..
uiks..ko membesar di LD pulak kan...mana ko skul oo...agaseh ka? st.dominic...or....hehehe
OMG, robbery thinggies scares me. My office is not the safest place on earth if you know what I mean, but at least opposite the road got police station
Claire: haha..kebetulan seja ba tu. ok la ba tu kau sy tgk,nda kurus,nda gumuk. yg sedang2 saja..ngam laitu. hehe
Sogoh: iya..sy penah bsekolah di dominic & agaseh ba. hehe
Massy: at least ada police station nearby,maybe that robbers berfikir 10x before mau mencuri at ur office. haihz.
ehehe musim 'me-mencuri' ka ni? hahaha last2 week we lost our O2 standby phone/pda. ish sepa la pii ambi tu. ada cctv pun nda guna. hhahaha
Mell(tsm4): memang musim la ni kalau kamurang pun ada kes jg. haiz.
Bukan ko tag breaker kaitu??? Ko kasih tag pula sya balik kan hehehe.. Thanks 4 responding :D Nanti sya bikin tu tag.. Entah bila lah mau capai financial freedom tu.. Mega pun ndak pandai kana2 hehehe
Oiga: sy mau break the rule kunun kan..itu la sy retag ko tu. hehe
Deii..kesian ofis kamu kana broke-in. Suru tu bos kasi upgrade to security system sana opis bah.
sia pun mau tu #5...
maybe your company should upgrade your office securuty system?hehe...
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