I came as early as 8am, the bengkel is open but the mechanic isn't around. -_-"
Apa maciam oo tokeh, i said.
He replied,
"Dia suda naik pangkat bah, so dia lambat datang loh"
So i just park my car nearby, and start looking for food.
But since i'm in Menggatal,i know exactly what i want to eat:
Ngiu Chap at Kedai Nyuk Pau Baru.
If you're a light eater, you can opt for a small bowl, but since tamak is my middle name hahaha, i go for a big bowl.
I believe this shop is no foreign to the NgiuChap lovers out there, but to those who dont know (ada ka? :P) and you wanna try it, this shop is situated at the block behind 7eleven.
Happy weekend!
sa rindu makan ngau chap!
sia rasa sia pena makan di sini ni..hehe..sedap tu kan..daging dia mcm separuh masak tp inda jg..lembut lg tu..hehe..
Annie: bah apa tunggu lagi :D dekat sj tu sikul kamurang sama pekan mgtl.
Uncle Greg: hahaha sy pun mau oo kalau ada yg bulih transmit keharuman. Itu la,nda bulih makan hari2 ni,berdusaaaaa betul daging dia.
Wel: ada 2 jenis tu daging dia,ada yg sd kena masak sedia,then ada yg kena potong2 nipis2,but still raw la then kena celur sj dalam sup panas. Yg sy punya ni,sudah tentu la yg masak punya. hehe. bah ko tau sd tmpt kan,belanja la i. wakaka.
sini kgau pun ada tu branch dia.
kalau sa order, tia mo tu daging...mau tu meat ball sama tu stripes saja...*drool*
tamak is your middle name meh? sy ingat lain tu tau..hahahahahah
Jauh juga ko hantar keta Mell?
Chegu: sedaaaap kan,sy pun mcm mau lagi oo.
Claire: haha iya kan,byk ba middle name sy ni. muahaha.
Tal: paling dekat sama rumah sy tu.
oowhhh..they got another branch at DOnggongon and Putatan...
Sedapnya..susah tu mau dapat sini o... Wel ada ka tu? barangkali ada tp rasa nda sama...serius, terus sy rapal ow..hehe
wah..NiguChap.. my mum & bf's fav. tapi sa tia brapa la heheh..
panas badan trus.. ;)but I love da meatballs...
SADAP!!!!! tudu bangat~~
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