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right after perm |
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after a day. I applied some serum hence the wet look |
I always wanted to perm my hair coz i've been stuck with my rebonding hair like forever, but the intention has been hold long enough until i saw Nadia's and Memel's post about their new hair style. I was so excited, i start imagining my after-look once permed. So off i went to 1b and getting my hair 'fixed'. The results are as shown above. I loooveeee it. The only problem is the dryness it caused to my hair after permed and it looks as if my hair went straight padahal tidak brrrrr.
I bet you know how long it took to perm, so while i was at it, i chatted with the friendly salon lady since i was her only customer at that time and her boss was'nt around all day. After my hair is done, we exchanged number 'supaya saya boleh tau update rambut kau' she said. You know what it leads to?
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like seriously? lending $ from a customer u just met? |
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very persistent. From rm120 to rm60 to rm50. |
I told this to my sister, she said 'saya pula yg rasa malu', same goes to my hubby. As expected, i stop exchanging sms with her to avoid dramas.
Till then!
(about the messages): errr...
pelik la. padahal baru kenal.
sy pun mo buat makeover rambut ni tapi tunggu sampai panjang betul baru kasi curl dia..mo curl yg korean punya loose curl aka curl malas2..hehe..
Oh man, dun remind me about perming, last time I did a similar perm like yours, it took 3 hours, I wanna pingsan ody sitting and waiting. My normal haircut also took 1 hour, 3 hours is too much. Bulih gila. Anyways, I went wth with the sms. Adakah.
perming my hair is like an annual thing to do sebab sa punya rambut kurang volume...while u are at it (the curl hair), to maintain it...kalau ko pi cuci rambut di salun, minta durang blow set instead of just blow dry and then suruh kasi 'pecah'...supaya ur curly hair looks more naturally wavy.
ermm...about the smses...sa rasa it was a wise move to stop replying to her smses.
Chii: oh curl gitu cantik kalau guna digital perm. bah sabar2 ko ah,pjg jg tu rambut. hehe.
Massy: wow punya la 3 jam,kalah sd rebonding begitu oh. mine was like 1-2 hours ka,tu pun sy tdk rasa sgt coz was busy cerita2 kan.
Carol: blow set,noted. can do right after the 3 days confinement ka? i wanna do oh,coz mcm liveless betul ini hair skg. drrrryyyy btl2.
mana ko buat rambut ko mell? apa nama kadai. manatau sa p curl rambut nnt..
Yeay! Ada lg kwn kc curl rambut...lawalah! Bout the smses, sa rasa mmg dia sdh berniat tu awal2, sbb tu dia minta no ko...eheheh
OMG????? seriously????? PUNYA LA INDA MALU!!!!
btw, not going to curl mine anymore. malas mo jaga but looked mature la. hihihi..
sasa: if u wanna know,ko pm sy di fb k. nda mau tulis pasal kedai tu disini gegegege.
memel: yeay juga hehe. dunno la about her intention tu,but mmg nda comfortable sd mau bkawan sama org gitu.
Just: iya bah,speechless tul sy membaca msg persistent dia tu.
yep, can.
Wow me likey your new looky ;D wakakaa.
Adui adui... urang macam ni a. Mungkin betul juga la dia cakap tapi nda patut ba, baru ja kenal kan. Manatau lepas bagi terus dia ciao entah pigi mana... ngam la tu ko stop sms.
wah mell! i love ur hair! mana tahan asik rebondeng seja kan hehee
pasal tu urg, ignore seja tu. lots of ppl like that nowadays. They think it's easy to take advantage kalau urg nampak 'lurus'.
Carol: alrite,noted.
Arms: muahaha thanks. tu la pasal,mana sy tau apa jadi kalau makin mau layan sms dia tu huh.
Cicak: hihi itu la ba,malas la lurus2 seja mau jg kerl kerl sikit kaka. muahaha.
mell..u look matured oo...hehe
& itu sms sgt menggerunkan...
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