As mentioned in my last post, i attended a conference in USM engineering campus in Nibong Tebal, Penang as a paper presenter. I arrived in Bayan Lepas International airport a day earlier from the conference date, fetched by the conference' secretariate, and headed straight to Nibong Tebal. The journey took about 1 hour coz it was a peak hour which cause congestion especially at the Penang bridge. Despite that, we managed to take pictures on the bridge itself yihuuu.
Throughout the conference, the participants stayed in the postgrad hostels located outside the campus, if i get it right, Desasiswa is the name. I loveeee the hostel, we have bathroom inside our room (not the sharing type oukay), there's a lif (hahaha) up to level 7 (my room is at level 6), and most importantly we have the view of jalan raya with mat rempit merempit every weekend starting friday night. Now i can officially declared i have witness the real scene of mat rempit doing superman pose on their bike and yang satu orang tu lagi berdiri di belakang -_-". What a scene. kalau ada polis lagi siok (??)
My presentation was scheduled at the last session, as expected not many audiences but the secretariats, the other presenters and the chairperson himself. I was expecting less question as well, but boy how wrong i was. My chair person is a man of curiosity. I ended my presentation answering no less than 5 questions. Anyway, i enjoyed the session. This is way different from my past experiences presenting in exhibitions, in competitions coz the chairperson is always an academician, they (most of the time) asked the right question, the kind of question that you always doubt in conducting your research. Boleh bikin gagap oh dengar soalan begitu.
Apart from that, i received so many funny responses from the international participants. A friend from HK asked me why i do not wear a hijab, he even asked the male driver 'how many wives you have' -_-", some thought i look like pan asian -_-", my Nigerian friends complimenting my english coz i dont have the kind of slang that i cant really explain how but i know how it sound, which makes me happy hahaha. Some people dont know where is Sabah but they know where Borneo is -_-". Some Sjung friends thought 'bulih bah kalau kau' sounds like 'bulih ba kalakaw' HAHAHAHA..aduhaiiii how can i not love this conference.
Anyway, enjoy the piccies.
After the closing ceremony which is on Sat, a day after i went to the island coz I think it's bad idea to stay in the mainland when you have a morning flight to catch tmrw. I dont wanna risk to be stuck at the bridge, hari isnin lagi tu. So i stayed a night in Tune hotel and since the check in time is 2pm, i had time to jalan2 walaupun mengantuk.
IMHO, Tune hotel is at the best of location. I traveled alone and enjoyed it, i even went to Prangin Mall, Komtar, and i accidentally found the 'best cendol in Penang' while i was on my way to buy the buah Salak and buah pala (nutmeg) pickles (situated along the Penang road heading to Georgetown). All places are so near to each other.
A is where Tune hotel is situated, B is Prangin Mall and the one in circle is the pedestrian crossing bridge. You dont have to cross the road at all. Along the way to Prangin mall is Komtar Walk. Banyak juga shops sana. Ada wifi lagi tu, sempat sy check-in heh :p.
The Best Penang cendol is the stall on the right. Semua makan di tepi jalan dkt longkang termasuk saya la ba juga. |
Pun femes juga sebab pernah masuk dalam nwpaper. ttuuuu nnaaa dia lekat. |
All in all, this trip is a memorable one for me, not only because i traveled alone to a new, foreign place which elevates my confidence to another higher level but i make friends with interesting people as well. I shall not forget their remarks about me hahaha. Moreover, i discovered so much thing about myself and people around me. Now i can say i have truly understand the meaning of 'jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan' rather than typing it per se in this post.
Till then.