My heart ache to see him leaving, and i know he felt that too. I cant stand looking at his gloomy face, he keeps holding my hand all the way. My eyes beaming with tears, and i did my best to hide that from him, i guess i've done it well but it cease at the moment i reach the office. I cried, and subsequently dada pun jadi sakit.
At that moment, the thing i dont wish to happen is to see my boss in front of me. I'm glad he's away.
I wish i can just calm myself by saying 'he'll call you everyday' or 'he'll visit me someday', but i guess the sayings are way too lame for me already. Ok,so you probably start making assumptions, or perhaps suggesting me solutions. Stop it there.
Anyway, saya bersyukur kerana Digi Postpaid mempunyai plan primary-supplementary which cost zero cent for neverending calls and sms-es between the two party. If the plan doesnt exist, i can foresee my future post to be like 'I'm moneyless' or 'I hate si kuning' and so forth. Punya la tidak best post sebegitu!
Come back to the matter, well..i think if you've been or currently in a long distance relationship, you will definitely understand my feeling, and the doings of two lovebirds which involves constant sms-ing, calling, atau menulis surat chenta yang berbedak wangi
, etc. I believe some ppl just cant stand their friends, their closed ones, doing these when all we do is to maintain or perhaps to revive the relationship? Well that's your problem lah geng, i'll do what i got to do.
Those who loves to judge, probably they never encounter that situation and using merely the so-called logic mind to question something,little that they know instead of a brain, a normal sapiens live with what? emotion? duhh!!

Anyway, it's been a while since i last berjoli in KK, thanks to the existence of 1borneo. I dont know how long this board has been there, but i can confidently say this board has succeed to make me (or maybe hundreds of souls there) to not ignore that.
hihi..dlm kegundah gulana sempat jg kau ber funny kan ni post...hehe
i understand how u feel...smiley2? hehe...
LOL mell.. ^_^ bout the truck i was thinking yg sama juga ni hehe..
:P n hmm bout ur.. current experiences :P im sorry to know that.. hmm wish u'll be fine.. :P i hav experience that stuff before but this is not about me.. :P xoxoxo chill more then! ^_^ xoxox
O_O"" lol.. i think i kinda.. misunderstood it.. lalal.. sorry mell.. :P opps.. :P after i read bout the kusing2 thingy baru sa paam.. alalal.. siou mell.. ^_^""
actually kan sia pun pernah juga berdistance relationship sama my hubby masa kami bersenta dulu2. nda juga lah lama, lebih kurang 9 bulan saja..tapi memang persaan tu..aduhhh!! tuhan saja yang tau..that time sia masih di sabah study, and laki ku itu sudah balik k-hell..sedih sungguh hati kan..sia ingat lagi masa mula2 bf sia balik, 7 hari 7 malam sia menangis!! (aiseh ini sudah lebih nie)..but jan ko risau mell..kalau sinta kamu sekeras batu, sama2 juga bah kamu tu nanti.. :) soon tu..jan ko susah ya..
claire: kasi kurang tu impak kepada pembaca baitu,maka berfunny2 la sy :P
beck: ya,i'm doing fine now beck. :)
kadusmama: sedih nda terkata betul kan,kadang2 tgk org happy2 tapi dalam hati dia,sepa yg tahu. Semuga kami dua mampu la mengharungi onak duri ini.
I've been there too Mell, abt a year in LDR. Now am back,and we are togeder... I sometimes kinda miss those moment yg berjauh2 so each time ada peluang berjumpa digunakn dgn sebaik-baiknya.
I'm in the same spot also la..but as u said, thanks to the plan that allows us free SMS, calls, video calls ('m using celcom 1+5 ba) it makes things a little bit better.
Somehow i think of it as a 'make-it-or-break-it' test in a much effort is being put into the relationship.
I have faith in ur relationship. ;)
hari-hari sa limpas ni signboard.. sa berusaha untuk ndak menukarkan tu 'T'T ke 'P'... tapi hakikatnya... I can't help myself to change it!! wakakaka... singaja tu iklan, saja mau kana prehatian kan.. hahaha
I will follow u... Digi juga la.. ;)
sia pun pernah mengalami tu.. ehh bini sia bah yang mengalami :)
tapi kan, ada jgua bagus berjauh jauh berchenta ni terutamanya yang belum khawinlah atau baruuuuuu aja khawin (kalau sudha lama khawin tue, amat tidak digalakkan untuk berjauhan - itu pesanan bapa sia lah and sia sangat setuju jua)
tapi kalu masih berchenta - chenta om ada bagus juga jauh jauh seketika, salah satu hikmahnya adalah untuk 'lebih mengenali si dia dari situasi berjauhan' dan untuk lebih rapat secara rohani (ya sebnarnya, bila fizikal berjauhan, dari segi dalaman lebih dekat tu) seperti melalui doa, dan sebagainya lah..
ish ish mcm mo bagi nasihat pula.. inda bah, bukan nasihat bah ni.. sharing seja ahh.. hehe abes bila baca post ko, teringat sia yang dulu - dulu bah.
bah, sekian. is on the air....bayangkan airasia..ada mcm digi postpaid mell...mcm mana la tu..beli satu tiket..dapat half prize kenen tu second seat kalu spouse..they should implement this..alamak..sepa keja idea nampak murah n tdk untung o tp hakikat dia..kita pikirkan la..hehe..
long distance...ko bilang stop...jd sia pun inda mau bekata apa2 la.sebab sia pun inda paham..huhu...enjoy d feeling and may god bless u both...cheers!
Nayden: feeling berjauh2 ni ada baiknya jg bah,ada jg tu rindu2an. bila jumpa trus nda mau dia pulang pula. huhu.
Chris: owh,thanks for the words. Really appreciate that :)
Kuai: LOL. mimang itu la dia punya strategi tu kan. aku jua begitu. hehe
DA: Ya lah,ada jg kebaikan dia tu, but when mau apart suda,adada..menusuk jantung bah kesodihan dia.
Wel: hihi..memang untung tu airasia tau,jgn seja mas curik ni idea duluan. LOL. thanks for the blessing ;)
ya kuning byk membantu la ni sa mau tukar p postpaid ni minggu..ada free registration..haha..
May God bless ur relations..
Max: u too :) kau harus tukar aa,best tu guna si kuning.
mmg si kuning jg la..hehehe
Claire: iya,si kuning jg la harapang.
in different perspective,i think you're a good entertainer :-)
Clarence: LOL. should i take that as a compliment?
why not :-), You have the ability to easily manipulate human mind!
Clarence: in certain ways,yes i'm able to do that ;)
adui mell kalau sudah sampai tahap mo picah dada.sia rasa, sia inda dpt berlawak lg mcm ko..salute..anyway apa pun yg terjadi..if you two were meant to be together inda kisah la jauh mcm mana pun akan ttp bersama..
urangranau: true babe :)
ahaks, sia pun pernah juga ternampak tu papan iklan, ya bah.. funny wooo... hehehe
lex ko bah Mell... itulah tandanya sayang bah tu...ehehehe
Andu ba cute hihihi
Mana jg ur future-hubby ni tinggal?
sounds soooooo far away @_@
Anyway I know how it feels when apart from our loved one. Huhuhu hurt bah kalau igt balik perasaan rhendu2 tu ehehehe.
P/s : seriously your entry looks like DiGi pnya ad. Kena sponsor ka ni? Akakaka because now I'm thinking of switching to DiGi Postpaid :D
BH: funny kan,mesti di lihat tu iklan,nda bole kena miss. hehe.
Ann: dia tgl di kuching,nda jg jauh la kenen kan tp jauh la bg sy. haha.
Nda kena sponsor ni ann,tp mcm berkali2 sd sy kasitau pasal kelebihan ni digi postpaid kan. terus mcm iklan digi pula.
sa pun pandai tingu tu ad mcm mother f***er nih.. hahaha.. pandai durang kaC kenpius mata urang ramai kan..
mel sabar2 kio, dia pi belajar ka atau kerja sana?
annie: zoom 4x baru dapat that pic. he's working there,sy disini terkandas. huhuhu.
cobaaaan....(p Ramlee style) :)
Dolly MJ: haha..iya ;P
First of all ..please let me laugh outloud.Wakakakakaka,wakakakakakakakakakak...
Creative sungguh tu manusia buat tu billboard..MOTHER TRUCKER!! Hmm maybe frm now onwards instead of saying Mother toot..i should use mother trucker kan??hehehe inda juga sound so vulgar ni.. :)
Ba back to serious matter, i've been in LDR it was hard work...gila gila betul ni..imagine im in KL he is in London! hahaha..time difference lagi tu..ui binggung juga la sekejap..but like kadus mama said..kalau senta sekeras batu..memang jadi punya tu, so jangan risau kio :) have faith.
Mine senta sekeras buah limau ja la..kena pijak terus juice juice semua keluar , in other words...we broke up. :( but that was long ago.. :)
and hey , thanks for dropping by my page :)
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