How are you people? Bet everyone is enjoying the long leave, notice the quiet ambient?
As for me, other than the 17th and 18th, i dont take extra leave after that. And as mentioned previously, that 2 days leave aren't approved by boss, so basically the only leave i have is the public holiday. I shouldnt complain because my bosses are away, thus the office is all mine.. he he he he he he.

This year's Xmas, there'll be no open house in mine, just a small makan makan session with close family. Well, to be with your loved ones is what matters bah kan? So yeah, i'm still grateful for that.
Till then.
Yelah.. yg penting dapat berkumpul sama keluarga :D Saat2 yg bahagia tu :D Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mell.. Next year barulah ko ambil cuti panjang pi naik gunung.. :D
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family :)
jan lupa take foto :)
Hi Mell...Merry Xmas and Happy New Year..makan byk2 k..
jan lupa berak dulu baru makan k..haha..kesian ko inda cuti tp ada good news jg kan...
merry xmas mell!
i no need take leave. but the office ppl will sendrey sendrey escape ni...i'm pack from 25th to 27th @_@ oh my gawd
Merry Christmas to you too Mell. Have a blessed day!
In case sia nda sempat wish ko lagi..merry xmas and happy new year juga.. :)
Sia busy keraja nie..curi2 masa kijap blog hop masa lunch hour...
Thanks for the wishes :) Have a great day ya!
:D jan thank dulu.. :D another wishes lagi moi.. hehe.. mell2.. :) happy holiday n happy new year to u n family n ur loved one! :D
even aku nda selebret christmas
tp ttp juga ada makan2
because si dady catholic kan
and my siblings n mum are not.
so ada jg la open house gtu, tp kisil2 hihihi
Merry Xmas Mell....takeCare
Errr...no open house? It's okay. Merry Christmas
Mell~! merry2...hihihi
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