During uni's life, i never fancy the multimedia's subject which includes photoshop and macromedia. I'm very much into numbers, theories, formula and all that utilizes the left brain function. So unsurprisingly i ended up getting C+ for that subject. Little did i know, that kind of skill can actually boost my resume..ha ha. Padan muka tidak belajar bagus bagus!
So lately i've been trying to recall all the editing techniques, thanks to youtube and some online tutorials. ha ha. But yeah, i still consider myself as newbie and i wont put that skill in my resume yet. ha ha ha.
My first exercise is to change this pic:
Into this:

So now that dog can apply for passport already. *and please note that no dog is harm during the process.
I know there are some flaws in that pic hence practice absolutely makes perfect. I'm targeting my own cat after this but only if she wants to give me a straight-posture pose. Cat can be moody too, you know.
Please tell the dog that it needs to remove the red contact lenses before taking a passport photograph. :-)
have fun with photo editing! kekekeh mcm criminal mug shot ja tu dog tuh ^_^
hahahah....funny si gallivanter
looks like those photo studio cannot cari makan already lor, :D
best kan kalu buat sendiri, nah happy editing, happy exploring...enjoy :D
Nice, but carefull with the lines. Ko terputung suda telinga si tasu tu kekeke.
Gallivanter: haha,bulih bah.
Mell(tsm4): itu la,terkejut ni sy nampak first time.
Claire: hihi xD
Greg: ya! Can buy glossy paper and print sendiri2 suda ni.
Ann: That pic byk shadow,tu la susah sikit mau tgk which is which.
mel, suruh tu anjing senyum sikit bah..hahahahah
Mau check dulu IC tu anjing sblm bikin passport.. mana tau palsu hehehe... Ko kasih keluar sikit tu gigi dia bah Mell, barulah mengancam :D
Clarence: haha,bah.
Ornest: Itu la,mau cek dulu IC dia ni. kau tau la haiwan zaman skg. haha
bahaya ko ni. jan ko ambil gambar2 sy sana blog ah..karang kana edit jadi munyit plak..hehehe anyway, bagus la gambar yg ko edit ni mell... keep it up!
Reno: haha..teda la ba sy mau edit begituan.
takajut ba ni anjing..belum dia ready lg suda kana ambil..kesian inda sempat mengatur senyuman manja dia..hehe..nice touch mell..
haha no dog was execute during the attempt kah? haha... nice...
Wah good news to the poor..hehehhee
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