I am not judging anyone's life, but this is one of billions life's dilemma that we, probably face near future.
Few days ago i was out with my childhood girlfriends, and to my amazement one of them already engaged. It's not a big thing anyway, since i also have few settle-down-friends and already got kids. Makes me feel really old..huhu
My engaged-childhood friend is getting hitch around end of this year, but seems like she's not looking forward to it. To cut the long story short, she feels like she has to marry this guy because he already wasted lots of money on her. I asked her whether she loves him or not, she answered 'yes'. Then i asked her again "so if u do love him, what's with the 'has to' thingy?"
Then she comes out with lots of excuses, "he's like this and that" yadda yadda yadda.. But she also reveals she cheated on him and caught red handed. Dalam hati i was like suda la menipu, then dare to cakap macam2 lagi..as if you are that saint. It's bad of me to say things like that to a friend, but hey, if i am not her friend i would still say things like this to her.
Eventually we ask her the ultimate question
"Your fiance, in which u claimed he is like this and that,is going to be ur husband in few months. And you have cheated on him once. Would you carry on with the marriage?"
And she answers
"I have to because he already wasted lots of money on me."
Fishy. So if you are her fiance, would you marry her?
I personally think she must has been messed up with her feelings. From the long conversation that we had that day, i cant determine whether it is love that she feels or the perasaan terhutang budi with the fiance. It's normal la for a guy to spend some amount of $$ on his gf/fiance but from what she told, her fiance must love my friend so damn gila babeng until he asked her to take care of his bank acc, and give most of his salary to her. I wonder why she has heart to cheat on him somemore.
At last i can only say to her 'All the best in anything that you think is worth to do la'
I'm telling this story for obvious reason. That is why, us,the females, should have good education, good career so that we dont rely on man to do/have things that we can do/have independently. It's a cliche, but still, lots of people dont get it. I think all women,regardless of their status should behave like a single woman; taking fully charge of their life.

Sexy survivors