Atlanta Olympic 1996
Gloria Estefan- Reach
" If I could reach, higher
Just for one moment touch the sky
From that one moment in my life
I'm gonna be stronger
Know that Ive tried my very best
Id put my spirit to the test
If I could reach "
Lagu yang paling femes untuk choir competition, and still. hehehehe
* I never embed any song/video in my blog simply because i think it distracts the people (esp while reading my post). However for the sake of my blogger friend, Alvin who happens to be a band member in Infinatez 'gengstarz', i'm making a debut!
I like their version of Sayang Kinabalu too..very the hip baybeh

I know you have a BF, but i still wanna say I LOVE YOU!! Thanx 'Kakak'!! Hehehe ^_^
defoo: haha..welcome
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