I bet all Malaysians are anticipating tonight's Olympic match between the no. 2 world badminton's ranker and his predecessor. I cant wait as well.
Lin Dan is playing in his own country hence making him ahead in terms of mental support .On the other hand, Chong Wei treats this game as 'his personal mission', and this, coupled with his great inner strength, i reckon a competitive match to happen.
Hopefully, Chong Wei can make a gold debut for Malaysia.
If he couldn't make it, it's no one's fault. Silver medal is already in hand. After all, he lose to a no 1 ranker.
So keep the expectation in moderate level, enjoy the match, and yeah..this is when i really get the spirit of Malaysia Boleh.

Update: LCW manages to get silver medal. Don't dare to say anything about the lost unless you've been represented your country in Olympic final match. In fact, i'd rather watch he lost the game to a world's no 1 ranker than any other.
I'm an optimist. I believe our racketers still have some room for improvement. Thus, dont bother to give me any hatred-comments towards LCW's lost,for i'll delete it in pronto.
he's the underdog..but I bet lin dan also hv his fear of losing in front of his own "super - fanatic" crowd..I am looking fowards to see an entertaining games..inda sabar ni..
urang ranau: me too,perasaan cant wait ni sama mcm menunggu convo. Huhu..
Suka tengok bila dia peluk Misbun itu hari sama dia cium bendera Msia..hehe
Jutawan segera..
kalah Mawi..
max: ya,terharu sgt kan. I really feel his emotions oh. Sy tgk dalam bharian tu,dont know where to get the larger version.
even though Chong Wei lose to Lin Dan, I am so damn proud of him :)
jppmom: Ya,there's no reason why we should be furious about the lost kan.
wel: adede,main bet-ing pula. hihihi..
we all should be proud of him bah..bukan selalu ada malaysian boleh masuk final olympic kan?? :)
I'm really proud of him. Orang Malaysia tidak layak untuk mengkritik dia. Agree with you lah FSIL.... Apa dorang fikir senang ka mau wakil Malaysia pigi Olimpik? Normally kalau menang dibangga-bangga bagai nak rak.. kalau kalah kutuk abis-abisan..
ya ba..
lagi pun itu ja harapan utk msia dpt medal..atleast silver pun ok dari teda apa2..
ko tida tingu live ka time tu match yg semifinal??
time tu la dia peluk misbun n kiss msia flag d baju dia..
tu la yg bikin sa bangga even dia kalah..
thanks 2 misbun jg ba..
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