Christian is a cub 'purchased' by 2 Australians; John Rendall and Anthony 'Ace' Bourke. They saw him at Harrods ( HARRODS ok? )
They took care of Christian until he'd became 'too big' for them to handle. Thus, the only option they had is to send Christian to where he belongs; Africa.
After 1 year has passed, they wanted to visit Christian, but been told that Christian had became the head of his own pride and possibly very wild and dangerous, and not remember them, they insisted to visit him anyway.
See what had happened..
Dont tell me you feel nothing
This only make believe that love always win. Always.
ades... touchy sungguh...
why r people still KILL another human being... shame on us...
kalau la macam tu semua org..
teda la yg bunuh2..
i think i should get back in touch with someone today..
Eee..terharu sy tgk ohh Mell.
so touching *sniff, sniff, sniff*
BH, TP, tal, jppmom: sangat menginsafkan this vid. I know we've learnt a lot from this.
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