Two of them are my schoolmates, they purposely come to UMS to congratulate us (me and my other 2 graduated schoolmates) during that hot, steamy day! Juend, my feet is terribly in pain thus i need to bend my knee a lil bit. You still look fine in that pose but forgive me if my male readers stare at ur buntuts lama lama k. hehehehe.. Esther,with that smile, i reckon your blog will experience heavy traffics soon. hehehe.. Thanks for the roses (mind you, not plastic roses ok!). Lots of love from me :)
Convocation is over, and i've obtained my BEng. (hons) Chemical. Will i ever pursue my study again? Que sera sera...(terus menyambung whatever will be, will be.. :p) Anyway, i am surrounded by great feelings last week; too many happy occasions and yes, time flies super fast when u're having fun. Now, i'm at the office accompanied by cough yang sangat la taik and perut yang tersangat la lapar. Talking about balance in life. sheeessshhh..
I sense a difference in dad right now; after 'the dinner' ,he seems to let loose of his grip on me. Talking about letting go willingly. I know all parents will come to this point, the only thing differ is when? I know he knows his daughter is in a good hand of a great guy. Mau jadi emo suda ni *breath in, breath out*
I cant stand the concerto in my stomach, mau pegi momom. Till then....
8 comments: did 'the dinner' go? Tu bah sy mo tanya yesterday, but bz with meeting and nda dpt chat lama2. :)
wah!! congratsss to you again.. :)
next time buat PhD pulak..
wah..siok oh time ko x hujan ni! buleh gmbr2 lagi
tal: :-)
kadus_mama: Thanks..PhD is too large for me,but who knows kan
Noy: nda hujan, but panasssss sgt. imagine la the jubah and the weather mcm tu. sesak nafas oo. congrats to u too :)
so mel that's you in the middle? wah pretty lady jgk ni...congrats!
sweetie: ya,sy yg bjubah tu..jan cakap gitu ba,malu sy :p. lama nda dgr khabar ko oo.
Belated Congratulations! hehe..:)
kuai: hehe..thanks
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