I went to Proton Inanam with dad today, to claim my new ride. My new ride baby! Wohooo..
I probably going to reveal it in near future, you ppl just have to bear with me, ok?
Yesterday,i went to JPJ to manage the road tax thingy and of course, the car registration no. Tagged along were Alex the great, and another customer of his. A chinese, in mid 40s i guess. He was the one who's very keen to know my plat no, he even ask me right after i get the road tax sticker from the lady at counter.
My plat no is XXXX, i said.
"Wah amoi, cantik oh itu nombor..besok beli 4D, 50 tiket ah", he said.
I grinned.
Then last afternoon,in the midst of unwrapping the plastic from the seat, i told dad to buy 4D, "Ok", he said.
And few mins ago i check out the toto result via web, guess what?
XXXX hit the consolation prize. Straight number somemore, baby
I was dumbfounded at first, coz it's too good to be true bah. Told dad, he laughed hard at it, probably because we only win rm300 ? haha.
I was rm75 poorer after i purchased fuel and the steering lock. Now, i got the money back.yiheee!!
I dont believe in luck, but i cant possibly explain of what happen today.
I guess, i just have to mark this day and stay grateful for everything that i currently own, yes?

Mell..u a very luck girl indeed...never really got the number comes out at the first day...some more straight pula kan..hehe.
thank god..i guess he listened to u earlier..hehe...
congrate for a new baby and congrate for a lucky plat u have..keep on buying as it has a good reputation..i reckon..
wel: i am so lucky to have a fast commenter like you too. lols. I need to thank si uncle yang puji my plat number too, i wouldnt buy the no if it's not him bringing that to mind.
mell..hehe..fast commenter..hehe..he might remember u number that and buy bigger bet..hehe...its true..u have a very good no..whatever the number is..hehe....
mesti mau belanja dia la ni nanti..haha..
Wah, mell.. btul ba? wah lucky.. congrats2.. nanti kasi post ur new baby ah.. hihi.. :)
wahh lucky girl! hehe..congrats on ur new car, bah kalu ada masa kasi naik sa kreta baru ko ah :)
Oh mell... sioknya, new car & 4D!! gosh.. Hehe, when can i have a ride in ur new baby? :p nda sabar ni =)
Wel: hehe..i hope he does remember and buy exactly 50 tickets as he told me to.
Nadia: betul ni moi..hehe..sy kasi santik2 dulu baru sy publish k.
Kobie: thanks. Sure babe,no prob :)
Esther: hehehehe..will give u a call,still need to biasakan the kaki ni.
Congratulations! harap minyak turun lagi another 15sen, mimang patut pun turun, lambat-lambat lagi dorang kasi turun.
Greg: true,itu la yg sy harapkan semenjak dua menjak sy ada kerita ni.
when i got my car, the number also came out but not straight away out like your number lah...punya siok, tia paya fikir2 bila tu number keluar. but good for you!
congrats on the new ride.
quick tell us when u finally get your hands on it ok?
Ahh congrats on your new baby*.
it's a rule of thumb - whenever you buy somthing significant like car or house, you must buy a 4d ticket. Not really a kind of 'believe' but hey, you bought a big one.. why not consider buy a small one for a change. If it strike you might be getting a good fortune.
Happen to my car and my bike too - hit 1st prize for few tickets just few days after bought it :D
My bro. hit his car's no. for 1st prize and he bought RM 50 ticket.. free car just like that.
Anyway, gratz again for your ride, and ride safely ok :D
hehe yeehaaa!! u got it girl! yay! hey im happy for u too.. :D its good to read u're happy! yay!
hmmm... the car is gonna be ur 1st of lucky thingy then! yeehaaa!
CheguCarol: thanks. I will ;)
The Dusun Aroma: woohoo,1st prize with rm50 ticket. it's heaven man. i'm not aware of the rule of thumb, but since thing turn out to be great,i'm so going to practice this :)
Beck: *hugs* thanks moi :)
Yii..Mell got keta baru ody. ;) aiks..p dekat opis sy nda bgtau pun. Klu nda ble jg sy tlg test drive keta kan. Haha....bh, congrats arr..get ready for 7 yrs of ikat perut gara2 mo bayar keta. sigh~
woah !!!!!!!!!!!! Untungnya nasib !
U know my dad when he got his new car, he bought 4d number juga pun he "pow" all those numbers.
U know what happened?
1st prize ging! Hahaha
Anyway that is ur car? :P
Kasi blog2 la lain kali hee..
Tal: oh man,i hate thinking about the monthly installment,kuyak purse ni moi. cis.
Ann: will reveal soon ;) untung oo kena 1st prize,my dad pun suda berangan2 dapat 1st prize tadi.lol.
haha~ bah, ko bwa baby jalan p keja for d first time tmrw la ni kan? Cuti skul jga, nda bnyk keta..mna tau kta jumpa d tgh jalan...:)
kau tau....hehe dalam 2, 3 minggu kan nombor kreta kau tu akan balik2 kluar tu..either lurus atau nda ja..kau tgk2 la...ni pun sy ada buat kajian jg kan..hahahha biasa kalau kreta baru kn..plat baru...dalam 1,2 minggu tu kan..akan balik2 kluar ni..hehe
apa lagi mell..jgn miss beli k..keh keh keh
wahh bertuahnya si mell. jeles sy oh. nasib baik sy blum pernah bili numbur, slalu pun kasi suru urg len. hehehe...
bah share kunun tu numbur kerita... ehem ehem
jeres ni..jarang2 kana rumbul ni..iskk siap kerita baru lg ko kan? isk jeres lagi dan lagi dan lagi... :D
p/s: Congrates for the new baby...
Actually kan..dari hari tu lagi sia mau komen nie post bah..tapi tia sempat sebab busy..
Ayak..napa ko nda share numbur kerita ko sama kami??? :) if not ramai2 juga kena numbur..heheheeee
Tal: yet to drive ;) tell u why later.
Claire: uih,betul ba? sy pun mmg fikir mau beli seja ni nombor ba smp sy rasa tiada 'lucky vibe' lagi. thanks babe ;)
Adora: iya,in my case,dad la mangsa utk membeli 4d. hehe
Reno: thanks bro. jan jeles ba,rm300 seja kemenangan sy tu :)
Kadusmama: haha..kalau terbuka pintu hati sy,sy share la aa..hehe
proton savvy? proton saga bml? gen2?
jgn lupa letak p spy orang takut mau dekat....klu jumpa rav4 hitam bawa racing arrr.....hehehe
Wa so cool! You won! Straight lagi tu! Blanja leh... haaha. jk.
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