Mar 30, 2008
Another happy pills
Mar 29, 2008
Happy pills
Mar 27, 2008
Crazy people LIVE in my YM!
brain teaser..
Mar 24, 2008
Get well soon.. *_*
Mar 23, 2008
One of those days..
Mar 21, 2008
On the name of love..
Mar 19, 2008
Funny eh..
The Female Stages Of Life AGE DRINK
17 Wine Coolers 25 White wine 35 Red wine 48 Dom Perignon 66 Shot of Jack with an Ensure chaser
17 Need to wash my hair 25 Need to wash and condition my hair 35 Need to colour my hair 48 Need to have Francois colour my hair 66 Need to have Francois colour my wig
17 shopping 25 shopping 35 shopping 48 shopping 66 shopping
DEFINITION OF A SUCCESSFUL DATE 17 "Burger King" 25 "Free meal" 35 "A diamond" 48 "A bigger diamond" 66 "Home Alone"
FAVORITE FANTASY 17 tall, dark and handsome 25 tall, dark and handsome with money 35 tall, dark and handsome with money and a brain 48 a man with hair 66 a man
HOUSE PET 17 Muffy the cat 25 Unemployed boyfriend and Muffy the Cat 35 German Shepherd and Muffy the Cat 48 Children from his first marriage and Muffy the Cat 66 Retired husband dabbles in taxidermy, stuffs Muff the Cat
WHAT'S THE IDEAL AGE TO GET MARRIED? 17 17 25 25 35 35 48 48 66 66
IDEAL DATE 17 He offers to pay 25 He pays 35 He cooks breakfast the next morning 48 He cooks breakfast the next morning for the kids 66 He can chew breakfast
Mar 17, 2008
Shell Prestige: Part 1
Mar 13, 2008
I miss them..
Mar 12, 2008
Mar 10, 2008
Ada orang marah..yeyeyeyeye
Why he is very much hated?
He's a money sucking creature
-BF hate this fella to hell due to this reason, and so do most of his tenants. I'm not surprise if one day he's ended up beaten.
He's the ego maniac
- FORGIVE or SORRY are the words that he would utter if he's going to die in 1 sec.
He loves to underestimate people
-As if he's the greatest one in the class, cgpa 3.30 pun tak sampai la dey. Face very like wall ka acai?
Bitchy mouth
-If there's any bitching competition, he would definitely defeated the natural born females. At some moment I really think he's a female hybrid aka pondan. pondan yg teruk.
Very anorexic and unhandsome
- It's an obvious statement. I hate anorexic and unhandsome guy!
Remember my post about the Shell thingy? It's only meant for SELECTED people, and luckily he's not in the list. And you people want to know what he says?
In uppercase letter lagi tu. I started to feel the excitement. Yeye.. Huiyo, marah betul dia ni. Oh, after you put sarcastic remarks on those SELECTED people, then when i reply like that you want to get angry la? Haha..I'm loving this moment babeh..
After that conversation, he sent me tonnes of marah marah punya messages. I reply it with HAHA, HIHI, HAHA, HIHI.. What a great moment it was. hihihi..
The chat ended when he stop replying. You lose, KO!
He should believe in Karma. What goes around, ALWAYS comes around. I reciprocate what you have done to people and i bet you should be upset by now. If you dont want to include me on your group assignment anymore, it's ok. Unlike you, i have lots of mates to form a group. But you? haha.. Eh wait, you're not the group leader pulak, maybe u'll be the one ditching youself from the existing group. haha..
Mar 8, 2008
Election updates
Mar 7, 2008
It's a's a....ehem...ehem...
Mar 6, 2008
Feeling down down down!
- My forgetfulness is at a critical level. I almost lost my watch due to that,luckily i got it back. And recently, i have moved to a new house. I've been going back and forth there, transferring my things but still i went to the wrong house. Lots of similar things like this occur this week, and i wonder why. Could it be the amnesia? T_T
- Dad prohibit us to bring the cats to our new house, and I feel terrible bout that. Last afternoon i went there again to see them, and seeing the cats still waiting outside our former house, miaw-ing like crazy, makes me feel even more terrible. While writing this, my heart is still aching. I'm sad sad sad!
Mar 4, 2008
Can't wait..
'Shell Malaysia Gas & Power will be hosting PRESTIGE Sabah in collaboration with Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) on March 15 and 16, 2008 in Kota Kinabalu.'Hey, me and BF are among the chosen one. hehehehe..