Habis suda cuti 
I'm back to reality.. Do what u want to do to me..wuwuwuwu.. 

*Happy mode*
This is how i celebrated our 2nd bf-gf anniversary at 12.01am, 1st Sept'08, ALONE

This is what i MMS to him. I seldom drink alcohol and he dared me to drink a can of that , just for that special occasion kunun
. Boleh ba kalau kau hubbeh. Stella sangatla tidak sedap dan pahiiiit! Sedap lagi air tebu 50sen. Buang duit sija beli ni satellaaaaaa!!!

The fact that we've come this far, makes me believe we can make it further. 2 years of ups and downs, i've to admit i'm still learning and bound to make mistakes along the way. Hopefully we can make this, although we are 1 hour 15mins distant from each other. I heart you with all my veins. Happy 2 years of togetherness

Ya, i memang jiwang. 

2 years togetherness ka?bah congrate once again la....ups and down..kamu naik gunung ka selalu..haha..
wel: sy tau ba ko jeles, cover2 la ba..haha..relax ko wel
LOL a comparison to sugar cane! gewd one XD
massy: LOL, it's true
:) Happy anniversary..bestnya sinta-sinta nie..
kadus_mama: best kan..heeeee :p
hmm bila sia mo celebrate begini..hmm mgkali klu sia celebrate mell, sia pi siop itu siopon (saja);)
urang ranau: ur time will come,time will reveal all :)
Mell! haha..sorry lambat komen ni..congrats! :)
tal: nda pa ba..hehe
next anivesari, upgrade to Barcadi?
fred: iya,sy beli ko minum ah. ko kan BF yg paling baik dan hensem dalam dunia. hehehehe
Mell+Fred: Chivas bahh..lgi sedap. haha! iya Mell, napa ko amik Stella? Tiger lg sedap...
tal:seperti yg ku katakan padamu, noob ba sy ni kalau pasal minum2..hehe..
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