I dislike my recent boring job, however knowing there are tonnes of souls who haven't secure a decent job yet, make me swallow all the bad and the good remains as my booster to not leave. The word 'good' is nothing but the money. Besides, i love self indulgence which certainly requires $$. Job provide me the $$.
I am not satisfy with the job yet i drag myself to perform well everyday, which in return gives me anything but satisfaction. On the contrary, i can just sit and do nothing but it seems wrong to me. In whichever position i'm in, i am still in the disadvantage side.
At this point i strongly feel i'm driven by the money, not the job. I cant change the nature of my job anyway.
FYI, I'm in the process of finding a new job (and i've only been here for like 2 months), hopefully i'll nail one soon. So at the time being, i'll keep holding on to the sole reason why i still here.
Money. RM. $$$$$
*I welcome all advices, but do not ask me to quit and marry a rich guy. i'll kick you kaw kaw on ur butt.*
lol.. yup seems like u figured it out~ right~ ;) yup.. not all job really suit for our satisfication~ :P and NO job on earth that is really.. perfect for our satisfication.. i mean hmm.. :P must be something rite..? like.. the environment..? bitchy co-worker..? O_o" lol.. the boss? the job itself..? who knows~ :P
great! u managed to carry on~ xD
n as for me.. O_O"" havent got any job yet.. not bcoz of i didnt seeking for one.. lol.. xD but.. O_O"" perhaps soon~.. understood the advantages of working..~ ($$$$$$ <---- O_O""" = ^_^") but check me out.. im kick ass.. i'll work soon.. xD oooH yeah~ ;) lol
P/s: actually i gotta find any jobs.. b4 thursday or idk how to ask my friend to spare me from working under her.. i mean.. O_O"" hmm.. not into working wif great friend; while shes ur boss.. if u know wat i mean..? O_O"" .. feelings weird~.. >_<"" u know.. k.. leave it behind.. haha!! xD
\m/ ^.^ \m/
Alala...Mell...ko cri experience dlu d sna bah. mmg at first ko rasa2 mo quit ja. sy pun rasa gitu masa first keja dlu -- but now almost a year sdh sy di cni. sigh~ time flies by oh kan.
And yes..money makes the world go round! hehe.
bah, quit ur job and marry a rich man......... aik? teda juga yg pi tandang pantat sya ni hehehe.. jgn marah ha :D
tidak ngam kaitu karaja sm ko? Klu tidak ngam, tidak salah juga cari2 dulu karaja lain yg ngam sementara ko masih keja sana.. Klu dpt tmpt baru sdh, barulah ko quit dr sana. Bukan ko ada connection sm Shell kaitu? Dorang mcm ada kasih ko duit dulu kan, sia tingu di FS ko. Byk lagi tu duit tu hehehe... Try2 gia apply sana Shell.. mana tau dapat.. trus jadi OKK klu ko keja sana :D
Hmm... it's hard to find a job that would actually satisfy us in terms of the job nature, office environment, bossy superior, busybody colleagues, etc. But somehow, its the pay received every end of the mth or early of the mth that hold us. Money is still important thou. So, for the time being, u just stay there, get an experience and sambil2 tu find other jobs lor... ;p
Why don't you quit and marry a rich guy? *RUNS AWAY AND HIDES*
nowadays..susah juga mau cari keja yang betul2 ngam sama qualification tau..tingu sia, dari sains p keja bidang ID pulak..hahaha teda kaitan langsung..
Sia rasa, terpaksa lah ko register d JobStreet.com untuk cari keja..hehe sana tu lengkap info gaji, keja apa mau dibuat..banyak pilihan..try lah..
Ko try masuk gangstarz la Mell ^_^
What i could suggest to you(which maybe you are already doin it), dlm keadaan skg, read lots of books and think out of the box. I know, "out of the box" is so subjective, but it depends on how you think. I'm now reading a book in 2 weeks. But I'm slowly upgrading to a book per week.
You're a smart girl.
welcome to the real world mel...there is no such thing as perfect job...in my case, i do love my job but minus the office politics....the more people in the office the greater the politics....people will back stab you....the boss will not approve you if you;re too smart....some jobs are just too boring and 'degrade your brain'....so kena pandai2 ambil step...hehe
btw, u got to stay put with your current job until u get a better one...but do not job hop too much because it will give a bad impression to the new employer....
marrying a rich guy is also boring thing to do ba....i dun think it will help me in developing my skills....keke....skill in bed saja kali yg develop...kakaka
the satisfaction will be more if the success comes from your own sweat...
Thanks for all the inputs people.
*brings bakakuk* Dimana suda si ornest dan gallivanter tu? LOL.
ahaha..reading all the comments really remind me of my first couple of month in the career world..yup..its normal mell..to have the feeling mcm now with ur currect job..i'm grateful that I'm working in the same line of my passion..earlier it was not though..experience is more important than perfect job or money at this time around..but if u think the current job does not fulfill ur need in a long term..then u shall make a decision...rather than waiting or wasting another year kan..Intel ka tu mell..oh..is is has something to do with this..the PAKU vocalist is a R&D manager in Intel..FYI sja la..haha..be patient..learn and cope with the career world and observe..think out of the box?I really wonder what does this means sometimes..u're looking for job..out of the box..could it mean marrying a rich man..that's out of the box..well not entirely...perhaps become a GRO..then that could be out of the box...work is money..money means extra happiness..happiness means life...anyway..love whatever u do..enjoy and learn to love it although u not..
atau macam heroes ko ni...
do you ever get the feeling...like you were meant to do something extraordinary?.
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