I have to leave her for good due to dad's new
heartless rule; No animals in the house. Miraculously, my kononnya-stubborn dad bend the rule after few months and at the moment he's at the living room, memanjakan the anak kucing as if the cat is his youngest child.

I miss this particular guy

. No i cant afford to miss all of them

. He keeps asking "bila ko mau datang sini?". Poor babeh.

This is ghey. The colored one and the living one. I only like the flowers,the yellow one okie. I cant figure out the intersection between the-ghey-tubbies and 003, lucky i found the word
ghey. Bf made this anyway, to amuse the easily-amused me. Dia sangat lucu dan suka buat saya ketawa menghilai hilai. FYI, saya bukan makhluk jadi jadian. Saya cuma istimewa. LOLOLOLOL. (looks and sounds weird
pulak kan itu lololol?)

This is also drawn by Bf. I think he tried to draw a giraffe because i cant think of any animal with a long neck except a giraffe.

This is claimed by Bf as a koala ,which is obviously in the process of purging waste through anal or yang sewaktu dengannya. Seriously, I dont see the point of liking the backside more than the front side. IMO, backside is meant for PURGing only not INSERTing. Kotor!
This is for the sake of updating my few-days-abandon blog. If my words are straying, watudu, this is my blog anyway.
I miss him badly. Saya mau berjumpa dengan kekasih jantung ku!
Great god..not many people would share this..due to privacy or shyness kunun.but I salute u mell..he should be lucky enough to have u kan...apa di pikirnya buat kaola berak..haha..lawak2..back side not for inserting?.emmmmmmm..no comment..
cheers and GBU
wel: ya,funny ba dia tu.ko tgk la muka tu koala,teda unsur2 ke-koala-an betul. bergincu,dan blonde lagi ba. haha.
Ttg backside tu,ikut masing2 punya preference la ba. hahaha. jan ko kasitau sy ko punya preference secara tidak langsung wel..i dowan to know. huhu.
wel: ya,funny ba dia tu.ko tgk la muka tu koala,teda unsur2 ke-koala-an betul. bergincu,dan blonde lagi ba. haha.
Ttg backside tu,ikut masing2 punya preference la ba. hahaha. jan ko kasitau sy ko punya preference secara tidak langsung wel..i dowan to know. huhu.
wel: ya,funny ba dia tu.ko tgk la muka tu koala,teda unsur2 ke-koala-an betul. bergincu,dan blonde lagi ba. haha.
Ttg backside tu,ikut masing2 punya preference la ba. hahaha. jan ko kasitau sy ko punya preference secara tidak langsung wel..i dowan to know. huhu.
Ya, I remember ko sgt kesedihan meninggalkan meow meow ko tu Mell. Thank goodness your dad nda juga kejam kan? ;) i likey the koala! mcm ada either ko @ your bf simpan di blog tu kan??
Tal: sy penah publish si koala dulu..hehe.
haha.. cute tu lukisan,,
btw , mell... good luck! :)
tapi sia musykil... kenapa ur bf lukis tu zirafah n koala muka pompuan? mesti dia wendu sama c mel..trus dia lukis tu ... bila dia tinguk zirafah ngan koala di discovery channel, trus dia teringat c mell..heheheh...
Zi: LOL. Thanks.
BH: haha,mgkin la kan. ntah apa la di pikiran dia tu.
Melll ko mesti jumpa bf ko ni.. jan p jumpa time ngam2 ko berbelintine sama sa di atas gunung.. lol
those drawing is interesting with ur full penerangan..:D
agreed with wel about how 'dare' u r.. hugs!
p/s: mau cari kaki yang buli lukis something like that utk c kuai ni..:P jeles sama c mell nih.. lol
hahhaa..cian bah ko mel..ni cinta karau ka...tp napa bf ku tu lukis ziraffah..tiada binatang laen ka yg comel2 ckit..hahha
kuai: LOL.cari kuai,jgn nda cari.hehe
redgirl: cinta kuat ni kak..haha..zirafah n koala la yg comel dimata dia tu kak. haha
mell..jan sja dia p lukis tapir atau tenuk la..tp sia rasa kalu dia lukis tu..makin jadi cute terus tu tapir/tenuk..haha....
kuai..cari jan inda cari..haha..d kg air byk tu..d segama ka..haha..
hahah!! mell.. this is.. great.. lol.. :) kewl! :D was thinking doing something alike but.. other idea ofcourse.. i mean.. "u playing with pic to describes ur feelings.." i was thinking od sketching or doing other arts to describe my feelings~ ;) not really using more words.. but maybe.. idk.. perhaps someday.. lol ^_^ nice one.. mell.. :D
it really makes me laugh.. xpecially the one with the the-ghey-tubbies-thingy! haha! wtf..? lmao!! n it really put up a smile when i read the "lolololol" thingy.. haha!! ^_^ ko ni aaa.. Mell.. it flashes me back to my old writing .. bout someone.. or some blog.. watever.. right? lol n u're there.. haha! ^_^ now thats gonna be our jokes.. ^_^ for life! haha!.. ko ni aaa mell.. ^_^
*still laughing.. :D* u make my day.. :D ^_^ hehe
wel: ko ni wel,sepatutnya ko kasi offer diri la ba,jan la suru cari di kg air. LOL.
beck: seriously,my urban dictionary is very limited. I've learnt idk,jk from u bah. itu LOLOLOL mmg lain ba di pandangan sy. haha.
mell : bulum tepikir mau cari dan dicari lagi ni..
Wel : mimang banyak di kampung air tu... tapi sa p sana cari air sija.. tapi inda bersih.. makanan la kali..
Mell : c becca is our Queen of type writer dulu di MIRC tuh... kan becca? I missed those days... LOLOLO macam lolow pula kalo c mell yang type... wakakaka
about d cat, d same thing happened to my Mum. From being heartless (she sent my cat flying from the room if they ever set foot on her bed) to a cat lover. amazing!
the drawings r cute.haha
Eeeeeeeeee.....bidahnya the teletubies!!!!
Bah mell..jan lah bah ko merindui kekasih jantung hati ko.. :) sabar saja sampai tejumpa nanti ya..
mell...malu sia mau offer diri ba..nanti kana reject..haha..butul ka tu kuai..biar tuhan menentu segalanya..haha..sama2 kita tempuhi..sama2 kita rasakan..kebahagian cinta kita sejati.haha..masi lg ko rindu bf ko mell..kesian ko kan.beli la 3g phone..hari2 buli tinguk muka.haha..
ahem ahem....bah mel mana satu? cute ba yg baju putih tu...macam good boy...hehehe...
i remember my first pay kan sy beli ticket p kuching ba jumpa my ex duluuuuuu....kekeke...he is a very handsome melanau mix....sejak dari itu sy belum jumpa yg begitu hensome d sabah....wkaakkakaa
sumtimes if u really miss someone kan...nampak kawan2 dia pun cukup la...nampak atap rumah dia pun cukup la....wakakka
jd mungkin kes ko ni nampak kaola pun cukup la...wakkaakaka jan maraa...i like kaola...cute dan bkin gerigitan....
kuai:haha..mcm lolow..opps..keke
Chris: Ya,dad is becoming one too. :)
kdmama: teletubies tu cute ba sebenarnya,esp si Po. opps..Sy masih rindu dia jg oo :(
sweetie: salah sasaran mu geng,yg baju putih tu mmg good boi. tu la kan,koala pun koala la..asal terlepas tu rindu yg membara. Oh, melanau mmg muka cina2 sikit ba, sy pun kadang2 confuse. jadi sweetie, skg ko dgn sepa? opps.. :p
wel: haha..belum cuba belum tau ba. terai sj. :p
skarang sy sama siapa? hehe...huhu...haha....sy mau aim2 tu aussie mix blood ba....klu Tuhan sayang sy dia kasi sy la tu...tp sy tau Tuhan sayang sy ni...wakakaka....life is just so damn complicated at times...
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