That's my Digi's bill statement for this month.
We always assume that sms-es cost cheaper than making calls, however since the conversion of my prepaid plan to postpaid, thing goes reversely. Tapi i dont think 603 sms-es in a month is too much la, ada lagi yg sampai beribu ribu sms-es what. keh keh keh.
I should have call and call and call and talk like there's no tomorrow.
Nonetheless, i still heart Digi :) . Zero charge between me and BF,you kneeoww..I'm glad Digi has such plan. kalau tidak, pokai oh.
Now tell me, which is always the smarter choice? say what? haha!
me used Celcom and Maxis..hehe Digi punya line nda bagus di rumah sia..kijap ada kijap hilang..macam biskut chipsmore pulak!!
lol i never realize that oo mell..? patutlaa my bill mcm tinggi ni..? but wat i like about digi ni dia pandai bagi diskaun baa.. hehehe. ;) bah2.. pa lagi celcom skrg pun mcm :P mo brankrupt tu.. hehe.. ;) xoxoox mell! ;)
bertukar la kepada digi, seingat sia dulu time di kk pun sia guna digi sbb ada sms1 cent, f2f, bubble msg dan banyak lagi...pandai ko budget belanja pon ah..sia punya phone bill di sini kadang2 smpi SGD 200-300 1 bulan, huissshhh inda tahan la gini. bankrupsi.. ;)
wah mell...ok ok jg ba tu..masi tercontrol lg tu...aik...digi tu maxis n email sama jg 50 sen pula mms kan...aik..2nd Oct..hehe..punya byk sms'ing kan....these 2 months bills gone up double then the most recent was triple..well as long as hepi ok ba tu...i'm a digi fan as well...and I still am using digi also maxis..yeah...2 2 pun ok ba..but mimang digi dari dulu pioner ba..sayang sja dia kana tindas..haha..
andrik: bah,apa lagi..bertukar la ke digi ;)
kdmama: hehe..sana WM mmg celcom n maxis la yg ramai users kan.
Beck: tu la,ni sms lagi mahal pula. even reply 'Ok' pun 15sen suda, that's for digi-other operator la. kalau call mcm flat rate.
urg ranau: huhu..mahal jg tu bil ko oh. bah,bertukar la ke digi joy..haha. pandai2 sj sy ni.
wel: huhu..this month my bill pun suda meningkat oo. sy mau bykkan call la ni. hehe.
hehe... yeh Smarter choice bah... sa pakai digi dan Maxis juga... :)
dan ramai saudara-mara pakai digi bah.. F&F the best!!..:D
Yeeee.. I used both Digi and Celc. Celcom pakai time di kg sbb thats the only yg clear line. Digi for chenta2 thingy.. free between me and him.. Hehehe gayut smpi nokobihis...
"sebenarnya saya pun tak tau.. yang saya tau semua orang sukakan penjimatan" <== iklan DiGi :D
Ngamlah tu Mell, nanti ko call sya pun FOC juga mangkali tu wakakaka
sy pakai celcom free....comp bayar...muahaha. lama sda nda nampak bill telpon macam bertahun2 sda...
kuai: hehe..mmg tu fnf la yg mjadi pujaan hati.
adora: hm..mmg celcom jg la paling top for good line coverage ba. kalah si kuning.
Ornest: haha..nda la foc,ada jg la caj sikit2..BBKK latuk oiga.
Sweetie: cey,mcm style bf sy jg la..main claim2. haha.bah,gunakan sepenuhnya kemudahan yg ada xD
Mell, definitely Digi!! Haha, I love that free call & sms between principle & supplementary line too =) Call to non-digi number mell, its much cheaper than sms ;p
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