~~ When someone captured your heart then that's just it, no explanation, no nothing.
You just embraced every moment, and cherish each seconds of it.
This song i listen just now says..
"..oh baby, dont you break this spell i'm under."
And i'm not hoping that to happen just yet.
Just let it flow, and us follow
PS. Who wants to
upah penulis lirik yang suka kucing dan icecream? jk.

Please leave decent comments ok, dont spoil the mood. I benci taw.
lol mell.. ;) jan susa.. no un-decent words.. hehe its all cool..
understood some songs hav great lyric and it really touches our hearts.. ;) understood.. ^_^
go on mell.. go with ur wildness.. it all cool ^_^ xoxoxo.. rock on baa.. ^_^ <33333333 lots of lov.. xD
Wahaha..mell..special jg post ko ni...sepa la yg bertuah tu ah..yeah..cherish every moment u're living.either good or bad...there's always something that comes in between or after that might surprise u...
ko suka kucing sama eskrim ka..haha..
beck: *hugs* thanks. percubaan tidak seberapa baini,tp sy bangga tau. hehe
wel: now u know ;)
Ish,berjuta kali suda sy bgtau sy suka kucing n eskrim tu wel.
mell, wah terus sia terasa bagai di tngh2 kebun bunga, terus ada sakura berjatuhan..ala2 winter sonata..(time baca post ko ni) ;)
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