~What if we were wrong about each other?
What if you were really meant for me?
What if we were supposed to be together?
Would that not mean anything?~
-What if by Babyface (not Wel yang babyface
) -

I've encountered with lots of 'what if' questions in life, and it remains. I know i'm not the only one.
God please, make time goes slower 

wow mel..di awang awangan kah ko sekarang, pass sikit ko punya awan tuh..hihihi sia pun lama sudah inda pernah naik awan ni.. ;) anyway all the best for both of you mel..biar smpi ter"kawin" kio.
ui na...nama sia pun menjadi brand suda ka sikarang..haha..ba sia pun mau awan yg byk la jg ni..haha...sia pun lama suda inda naik awan...awan nimbus..datang la engkau..haha..mcm dragon ball pula tau...nice post and happy to read this kinda post..haha..
jgn pikir byk sebab in the end..if hanya menjadi if..teda jg berubah kan...
keep it still n stand on ur feet.. all those "what if" perhaps.. will get their answer soon..? lol.. hehe.. BBKK mell.. mell.. siou.. sa out tadi.. n adui.. ni medication makes me slow weii.. demam laa.. argh!! lol.. ^_^ anyway.. haha!! siou!!! :D
*give some awan to joy*
Thanks joy.
*give some awan to wel*
the if will stay? we'll never know that ;p in fact,there are so many ifs in life ba,i dont expect them to stay the same either.
*give some awan to beck jg*
true,only time can reveal. oo,effect ubat mmg sandi tu beck. nti la kita main jeropoin lepas ko recover ah.
banyak ifs dalam hidup?ya butul tu...ifs buli kasi tukar jadi not ifs la ni..haha...fani ni sentence la..time and effort will tell jg tu kan...
Have a great day mell..thankiu ah walau sikit sja tu awan kana bagi..haha
wow...how sweet nie lagu kan? memang meaningful seni kata dia tau
hehe gali plak sy terkenang kenang zaman silam sy bercintun..hehe gitu la rasa dia tu mell... jgn awan ribut dtg ah, awan nimbus si Wel ndapa la.. kekeke
p/s: God pls make time slower? mati la sy dlm ofis ni..heh
wel lagi: cukup2 la ba tu awan wel,tamak jg ko ni. lols. bulih ba tukar2 pegi if-not if. reversible reaction tu. haha. mcm belajar chemistry pulak.
andrik: very meaningful kan. 2-3 kali sj i heard this song,i can memorize the lyrics already.
reno: jgn ko geli2 sana. even sd kawin pun masih bole bjiwang ba. haha. kalau time di ofis,sy pun mau cepat2 habis ba,bukan ko sj. lols.
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