I like guy who smells good.
Be it the smell from his cologne, hair gel etc, as long as it brings pleasant odour to my nose, i'm liking it.
Like other human beings, somehow, we can tell when its too much of wangi wangian.
*Based on true story. lols.*
Dad bought a perfumes set for himself,but he only likes it for 3days.
He gave it to my youngest bro then,which i think was a very bad decision. (Dad is in 50's,mind you)
I hate the smell! As soon as he sprays it onto his body, the smell strikes me straight to the nasal, and gives me nothing but the hate feeling. It cause me headache too. siit.
I said to bro "The smell is way too masculine for you, u're only 17. Go use my lotion saja la."
He replied ' I dont want, it smells like a girl which i am not'
The scent itself is killing, let me tell you how many layers of wangi wangian he puts.
Two. The talc then the EDT spray.
I said,"if you can smell your own scent, means u have put too much of it. It kills,ok?"
He said 'hm..'
Now he only uses the talc. Good boy.
I wonder what makes him so keen of using this kind of scent. The only logical reason i can think of is...he's in the process of getting a gf.
Anyway, it has been few months of nose abusing, miraculously i'm immune by the killing scent already.
The moral behind the story:
-Invest some $$ to scent yourself . As long as you smells good will do lah. Each of us can bring effect to those surround us, you kneooww.
-To guys: Dont give your perfume to ur son,it's always NOT a good idea.
*2 days without streamyx connection is a total suck! That explains my absence during day time, hopefully tomorrow it'll ok.*

LOL.. thats sux.. i mean... alalal.. mcm tia ketara ko teda.. line streamyx oo.. mell.. :P hehe
btw.. how r u..? lol
if you can smell your own scent, means u have put too much of it. It kills,ok? <--- haha!!.. definitely!!! haha!!..
but.. hmm.. idk.. its juz something..~ mell.. i cant think of anything bout guys..~ i guess i forgot anything bout em now.. lol.. big trouble!! haha!!
Wahahaha..thank god la I dont need or have to spend my money on perfume...kehaa..as u know I have a very sensitive nose...hehe..so any strong scents mean 'bad' to me....I have perfume..never use for suka2..only use for special occasion...n mostly not for me..haha..for my bed sheet..wahahaha..ngok betul ka..tp siok ba..napa la kalu sia mau..bukan ko punya perfume jg....I dont wear any cosmetic product but I do care about scent and cleanliness...me myself like the scent of a women..there some scent yg nice...it may turn u on or off..so hati2 kama..haha..kalu yg turn on lebih2 tu susa tu..hehe..but natural beauty always d top in my list..haha..hint ka tu..
Beck: during day time sj sy diam2,malam2 sy rancak semula. lols. i'm doing fine beck,hope u are too. xoxo
*taking note* "wel suka natural beauty". lols.
wel: biarla ba ko mau guna ur perfome on ur bedsheets,bukan sy mau marah jg. haha..lutchu oo. mcm mana smell yg bikin turn on wel? cuba kunun educate sy.lols. sy suka fruit scent,dan bunga bungaan punya. cukup la utk energize org2 di sekeliling sy,pacik macik di restoran,posmen etc. haha
i think this is a very "woman" topic. somehow they love nice smell. everything that is nice smelling it connected to the female species. and they go crazy over it. i mean like, any type of flower with nice smelling scent can brighten their day.
hehehe...sia pun tia berapa suka juga pakai yang talampau wangi2 neh... sakiet idung..
bagus lagi tia payah pakai... natural beauty..eh...natural odour.. hehehe
rainer yong: true. and that's one simple way to differentiate the XX and XY right? ;)
BH: natural odor pun ok ba,if it's a good smelling one la. lols.
bkin kasi naik nafsu ba lelaki yg smells good ni....muakakakkaa...
sweetie: i'm waiting for someone to say that,and you did it babe! lols.
Mell..mana buli kestau..haha..inda ba..there's no specific odour tau scent ba..lain org lain la dia suka...nanti sia kasi educate ko la ah...bau ketiak pun wangi..hahahahaha...mati la kalu bau ketiak...and always..food has it own role to this...fresh, soft, relaxing and easing d hidung pun ok sda ba..tenang jiwa bila tecium tu tabu..haha..
Sy lama sudah tau ba tu pasal si sweetie cakap tu mell tp pura2 ja..hehe nda ba... ya kah sweetie? betul ka tu mell.. isk kena buang la Hugo Boss raga RM200+ sy tu, takut org tepikat plak pasni.. haha nda ba.
Tp cam si wel cakap tu la... natural beauty atau smell? hehe mangkali lagi bagus dari pakai bau2an yg tah hapa2 *kin sakit idung ko bilang mell?* agree wel. kebersihan diri senarai teratas...
wel: mau jg rasia kenen. hehe.
reno: betul ba cakapan si sweetie,sy pun main setuju sj ni. haha. being hygiene is important too,kalau tidak bersih,perfume pun tidak membantu. lols.
sweetie..wahahaha..sia sukung tu...ada juga la tenaik sikit tu meter dia bila tesium bau yg sedap..bau belacan ka..haha.but its true la...inda buli sangkal suda.haha..
reno..wahaha...natural sja ba paling best..bgs lg habis duit bkn bawa makan luar dari beli perfume mahal2..turn off terus sakit hidung perfum macam tu ridsect kuat dia.haha..
akhir kata...jan kasi bazir duit beli perfume mahal2...unless ada masalah bau badan..but it doesnt solve ur problem..so think about taking a better suitable foods..heh..
hensem camna pun lelaki klu bau badan....heshhhhhhhhh! trus jd bida sebida-bida yg bida....kekeke...apa lagi klu bau nafas....aiyaaaaa mati la....
klu nda hensem pun tp smells good...mmm....boleh dipertimbangkan....so wel and reno which category are u? hahaha
reno klu kau wangi2 jgn dekat2 sy tau.....nnt sy pandai kasi patah kau smp dua....wakakakaka...kau faham ka maksud dia tu reno?
sweetie: lols. true ba kan,punya la jatuh point terus kalau hensem tapi mcm tu. ba ba reno,jaga2 patah dua. lols.
sweetie LOL. mangkali la ni... main assume ja 'kepahaman' sy ni sweetie...kekekee
yalah wel, bagus ko bikin blanja siurg minum nnt kan? haha :P
sweetie..sia rasa sia kategori yang ketiga... ahaks... isk, how bout girls plak.. Reno , Wel... amacam? yang wangi ka siuk?
wah... wangian bikin horny tu!! lol... tidak koopud bah pakai wangian kadang-kadang, tapi kalo mau jumpa urang spacial kan, mcm terpaksa juga tuh.. bikin kasi horny lol (gilaaa..
and agreed with sweetie ni... wakakakaka... AWAS kaum hawa!
sweetie...sia rasa sia mcm tu kaling la..hahaha...inda ensem tp kentut bau kari..ketiak bau kari...lastly..semuanya bau kari....kerana kari sedap datang dari wangi..gitu la ibaratnya sia..hahaha....sayang sja la kalu tu kari sia sampur sama kalu sia ensem..hahaha..lagi menjadi kali kan...
hahaha..melencong suda point kamu ni tau.
kuai: for special one mmg perlu pakai la kan ;)
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