- Put the logo in your blog
- Add a link to the person who shared it with you.
- Nominate at least 7 other blogs and leave a note for your nominee on their blog (ok, read saaaaaana bawah)
- Add links to these blogs on your blog:1. -Fara, 2. massy 3. N.O.Y 4. Bandagedknee's: Sink Into My Darkness [The Coffin Talk] 5. mell_f 6. -YOUR BLOG HERE-
*Someone in my family died because of breast cancer, thus knowing the probability of me getting it is very high, i do all my best to lessen it. I know it can strike me anytime, for it's already in my gene. Nah,bikin takut kan.
Regardless of any month that we're talking right now, I hope the women/men out there will take good care of their body, as much as i care mine.*
Thus, i'm tagging these 7 ppl:
Esther bebeh
Urang Ranau
Toiletpaper aka Max (i've read ur recent post about health bah,tu la i pilih u..euwww)

ouch! >_<"" sorry to know that mell.. but uik.. yay! ko uda.. put up this tag.. :) yup.. brest cancer awareness!! ^_^ yay!... take care of ur bod.. i agree mell! ^_^
i wish u doing good wif ur bod.. mell even yg tiada gene pun boleh kena tu.. palis.. ugh!! O_O""anyway.. how u doing..? hehehe mcm melampau pula blog sa pnya titel yg pnajang itu! hahha!! :) xoxox mell.. ^_^ ty for pink ribbon supports! ^_^
beck: sy sgt setuju la sama ni tag utk di kasi pass ke mana2..suda membunuh my loved one kan. ada tu my fren's sis yg belum kawin lagi pun suda kena,muda lagi tau. bikin takut. huhuhu
Ahh.. btul ba? mel, kalu ko mau p check bw sya ah, sya pun mo pg check ni.. what future holds we might never know kan...
Hi Mel,
Toceh! Toceh... This is a good tag. Thanx babe...
nadia: i told u before about that kan. huhu.
izan: oh,my pleasure. :)
Ba..Mari la menjaga kesihatan..Mell take k..mau jaga2 badan k..
awww kana tag, tp okay la sbb ni utuk awareness jg kan..
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