She'll spend her holiday to a place quite similar to this

to celebrate life.
Dad says "
it's a waste of money", the indirect meaning of that,by all means is "i
just want you to stay at home, be the sweet,little girl that you used to be so that i can monitor you all the time". Most dads are like that, yes? Or maybe dad is in denial state, reluctant to accept the fact that us have grown up. Hmm..
I refuse to feed his need merely because this is my life, i deserve all the good and bad in life. Thus, i'm off to that place tonight and will be back on Monday.
*Geez, this morning dad was so quiet in the car, merajuk mungkin..hm..*
Happy holiday people!
Where r u doing?
ooopppsss... where r u going?... salah tanya pula...hihi...
nadia: hehe..tell you later ;)
Happy Holiday..kruk2..
aik??? p mana minggu nie.. :)
Lama bah pulak holiday tu kan..
Bah enjoy ur day ya..
Mell ko p mana ni? oh, i jealous.. haha.. anyway, enjoy ur holiday, have fun! =)
i guess happy holiday! ^_^
ya baa most parent is like that.. ;) they never try to realize that we r not their baby anymore.. :) hehehe.. but.. :) rock on anyway! :D ehhehe...
xoxoxo mell.. :D
wah..sioooooookkknya ko dapat holiday..ba have a great holiday and safe journey..kemana jua diri mu pergi..haha..
Haaha well tell la us where you go...;P
Tempat rahsia ka? Keeke...
Mell.. Ohhh Mell.. Ko belum kestau kami lagi mana ko pigi.. hehehe..
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