Have read technical report for 3 hours, and i'm not even reaching half of the whole pages. Then the other two are waiting to be read. sheesh.
I foresee myself to be juling, sleepy and kerazie if i dont get some entertainment fix that moment.
Thus, at times when tense arise at work, all you have to do is:
Go to youtube, search for
David Archuletta's latest single,
Crush..then imagine he's singing that for you. That works very well on me. haha!
.* To guys,chill ok?. Dont hate David because ur gf adores him. haha!*
You can listen to Coldplay's recent masterpiece named "
Viva la Vida" (which in Spanish means
long live life but Coldplay alias-ed the song as Death and All his friends..hm). I dont know about you ppl but imho, Chris Martin's voice has this distinct tune and it soothes to listen to. The lyrics are wise-made too.
Chat with a whacky friend. Haha! Thanks to
you, it was
sangat menggembirakan ok?

Update yer' blog.

Do all the mentioned above. Multitask ppl fascinates me.

Happy Wednesday! (haha..only
kadusmama understand the reason of bringing forward Wednesday before it suppose to be

Oh,my working hours is from 7.30am-4.30pm. That explains my advance-going-home time.
Oh again, to any chemical eng. graduates who have interest of working in SFI, they're presently hiring chemical eng management trainee. Go to their website for more info. a friend of mine ask me to forward the sms around..SMS lagi? please. I can spread it free here.

Ok,no more oh.
erk! haha! nice one mell ^_^ hehe.. but not my type si david Archuletta haha!!.. perhaps david yg terumuk sana blog sa laa jadi impian.. lol jk jk jk ^_^ kenuringan kita sama2 niari kan mell..? ^_^ mel..
O_O"" tomorrow is my 1st day of.. working.. O_O"" (so.. erk.. wish me luck! haha!) ^_^ bah2.. xoxoxo mell.. uda tdur kaa..? :D
mell..ni pula keja ko d ofis..hahaha..kedapatan la ni sama bos..haha..whacky fren.haha..alala...sempat lg promote keja kosong..haha..bgs la...tu ka comp tempat ko keja mell...
beck: haha..anak si archuletta tu sgt cumil ba beck,nda tertahan diri ku mau melihatnya. haha.
All the best beck! kalau ada yg hensem,kasitau ah. hehehehe
wel: bukan la,sfi sana sipitang ba tu,my friend yg suru kepoh2 the vacancy. nda la kedapatan ni wel, bos sy sporting jg tu. haha.
bisuk hari 4..hahaha!! keja kita nie mengira hari saja kan..
Kalau sia tetiba blank d opis kan..terus sia p surf ebay..hahaha terus berfungsi balik otak sia..
ko p crunchyroll ba tgk movie online....hehe
sy ada pasang itu altec lansing pny speaker sambung laptop.....fuh klu full volume kalah ba disko....nasib ada bilik sendiri.....haha
mell, klu smpi mo terjuling sudah ko rasa mata ko tinguk paper work / report..apa lagi pi la cuci2 mata..pakai air ka/ tinguk yg ensom2 ka. bgs kita bertindak, sblm terjuling..mcm sia tadi la..nsb poh cermin di upis kami, kami buli nampk urg, tp yg di luar inda buli nampak..har har har..cuci mata..
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