I can choose to pen all the hurtful things i've been encountered this year but i wont. Rainbow does come after the rain and wipes away all the sombre, and that sentence i can definitely say isn't a cliche for me anymore. But yeah, it take guts to open the eyes and look straight at the rainbow and relent. I enjoyed it heaps than the rain, and that's the way it shall be remember. Nevertheless, thanks rain.
I understand the fact that people dont carry the same weightage of problem, and unless you've been in that situation it's very wrong to say 'i understand your feeling'. I dont understand anyone's problem other than mine but one thing i know, we deserve to live merry life and we obtain that by our own will. If your problem is larger than your will, then something is obviously wrong. No i dont read that in any book, i learned that the hard way.
Life's indeed beautiful, and it works beautifully too. And i dont have to wait till new year to realize that. You should too.
I hope 2009 will be another great year for me, and to you as well
Before we start the engine to venture the new life in 2009, might as well warm it up with some love......from the cat perhaps? LOL.
Happy New Year 2009 again
Things that are worth to be remember in 2008.

- Hands off the books, exam, thesis, lab and all. Bye Uni life. -13May
- Got a job as an XXX engineer in KK after being turned down 6 times. -23July
- I turned 23 yo, and the above is indeed a perfect gift for this year. -24July
- Venue: Grand Port View. [personal]- 23Aug
- Graduated with upper 2nd class B.Sc Eng (Chem) -24Aug
- The day i discovered it : 1- 27Oct
- I bring home my new ride. -27Nov
- I've won 4D consolation prize for the very 1st time in my life. -27Nov
- Tidak dapat naik gunung- 17Dec
- Received my 1st bonus- 17Dec
- The day i discovered it : 2 - 20Dec