
Dec 31, 2008

Welcome 2009!

So far 2008 has been giving me a good balance of yin and yang.
I can choose to pen all the hurtful things i've been encountered this year but i wont. Rainbow does come after the rain and wipes away all the sombre, and that sentence i can definitely say isn't a cliche for me anymore. But yeah, it take guts to open the eyes and look straight at the rainbow and relent. I enjoyed it heaps than the rain, and that's the way it shall be remember. Nevertheless, thanks rain. I understand the fact that people dont carry the same weightage of problem, and unless you've been in that situation it's very wrong to say 'i understand your feeling'. I dont understand anyone's problem other than mine but one thing i know, we deserve to live merry life and we obtain that by our own will. If your problem is larger than your will, then something is obviously wrong. No i dont read that in any book, i learned that the hard way. Life's indeed beautiful, and it works beautifully too. And i dont have to wait till new year to realize that. You should too. I hope 2009 will be another great year for me, and to you as well senyum Before we start the engine to venture the new life in 2009, might as well warm it up with some love......from the cat perhaps? LOL. Happy New Year 2009 again
******** Things that are worth to be remember in 2008.
  1. Hands off the books, exam, thesis, lab and all. Bye Uni life. -13May
  2. Got a job as an XXX engineer in KK after being turned down 6 times. -23July
  3. I turned 23 yo, and the above is indeed a perfect gift for this year. -24July
  4. Venue: Grand Port View. [personal]- 23Aug
  5. Graduated with upper 2nd class B.Sc Eng (Chem) -24Aug
  6. The day i discovered it : 1- 27Oct
  7. I bring home my new ride. -27Nov
  8. I've won 4D consolation prize for the very 1st time in my life. -27Nov
  9. Tidak dapat naik gunung- 17Dec
  10. Received my 1st bonus- 17Dec
  11. The day i discovered it : 2 - 20Dec

Dec 30, 2008


I've created this blog a year ago with one sole reason: to kill the boredom. And while doing that, i discovered lots of different souls, some are interesting in a way, and some are just plainly siul . Well, i better keep that to myself. Anyway, this is the day when i should celebrate the birth of the killing boredom that drives me to create this blog. Sometimes, boring isnt boring at all.
Nevertheless, i want to thank all of you who reads my blog, link to me, chat with me in that deadly fun shoutbox.
Thank you! Happy 1st anniversary dear blog

Dec 21, 2008


..Hi! How are you people? Bet everyone is enjoying the long leave, notice the quiet ambient? sengihnampakgigi As for me, other than the 17th and 18th, i dont take extra leave after that. And as mentioned previously, that 2 days leave aren't approved by boss, so basically the only leave i have is the public holiday. I shouldnt complain because my bosses are away, thus the office is all mine.. he he he he he he.
This year's Xmas, there'll be no open house in mine, just a small makan makan session with close family. Well, to be with your loved ones is what matters bah kan? So yeah, i'm still grateful for that. Till then.

Dec 16, 2008

Eh? tidak jadi climb?

Supposedly: Mell is on the way to Kota Belud together with Grace (Thehornbill) and the gang, then go to Kundasang early morning and will start climbing Mr Mountain tomorrow. Actually: Mell is at home,blogging.
Reason: At 2.32pm, 16Dec2008, mr. boss disapprove my leave at last minute. Somebody from XXX mau datang for certification thingy, of course penting la for the company hence needs someone in the office. And XXX only informed the thing last monday. My boss disapprove my cuti bulat2 utk benda XXX yg last minute itu. In fact, there's no exact date of XXX to come. Well,after this happened, you better come this week ah XXX!! Of course ada banyak lagi side story behind these but i cant disclose lah. I called BF, he asked me to find ways lagi, padahal sy mati akal suda. Call boss's wife, she asked me to cancel the leave. Panas suda hati ku. Call Grace utk standby someone to replace me.,if not rugi oo the $$!! I'm trying hard to not cry, tapi nda boleh,menangis jg aku akhirnya. Luckily si Grace faham jg apa sy cakap. hehe. Of course i'm sad, and disappointed. You can tell easily bah, i dont have to mention. But i already have plan during my boss's absence for the upcoming few weeks. *evil grin* Thanks Claire babeh, Wel, Oiga, Reno, Kuai for your words. Appreciate that love I disabled the comment,nanti luka tadi berdarah kembali.

Dec 14, 2008

kahwin utk cerai?

Post ini panjang tau. Bila tgk kes abby-norman tadi, rasa kesian pun ada. Tapi abby amat steady dan cool sewaktu di interview dalam Nona, bila ditanya pasal memey sot tu, dia sempat lagi mencarut sampai kena censored. haha. Love the guts! Kita sudah sedia maklum tentang sikap manusia yg mudah berubah, kita boleh lihat kes cerai artis di dlm majalah mangga,, di melodi or maybe uncle aunty saudara sepupu kau pun ada yg mengalami hal sebegini. Kita tahu kesan penceraian. Yg paling kesian ialah si pihak perempuan. Apatah lagi yg tidak bekerja, dan terpaksa sara anak anak sendirian. Kalau mau yg lebih dramatik lagi, si perempuan yg tidak bekerja dan tgh sakit, dan terpaksa sara anak2 sendirian. Tiada siapa mahu diceraikan atau bercerai dalam keadaan begitu bukan? Sy percaya wanita tidak lemah, tapi utk menjadi tidak lemah, kita perlu berakal,perlu strategi. kau dapat masuk dean' list every sem pun belum tentu kau boleh dikategorikan as berakal. Persoalan utk semua: Bagaimana sesetengah orang begitu berani berkahwin secara membuta tuli ? Adakah cinta dan kepercayaan semata mata itu cukup?
Suka diingatkan bahawa dalam kes yg pernah sy observe, mereka yg berkahwin dan bercerai berai itu pernah berkahwin di dalam Church, disaksikan oleh Father (yg muslim sy tidak sure). Mereka bersumpah, berjanji in the House of God but still, one of them disregard the promises. Dengan Tuhan pun berani disobey. How can we trust people then? To what extent you can rely on love lame love to keep your marriage in happy state? If marriage is a gamble, would you call it a gamble when you already have kids? Love and trust itu penting dalam perhubungan, although i have hard time with trust, i'm still working on it. Jangan ingat kau suda mampu love, kau suda mampu trust, kau suda selesa dalam hubungan skg, kau bole ensure kehidupan rumahtangga kau nanti selesa dan selamat.Dont underestimate marriage. And huge BOO to orang yang berkahwin kerana mau sex. Itu sungguh bangang ok? Pelik tapi benar. I have steady boyfriend, both of us are commited in the relationship. Mmg tipu la kalau sy cakap tidak mau kahwin, but to jump blindly into marriage is such a childish move. Naik gunung pun perlu preparation, ini kan pula marriage. Oleh yg demikian, saya berasakan bahawa Sebelum kahwin, adalah lebih baik kalau sy sudah ada karier yg stabil, sebuah kereta, atau sebuah rumah, or kalau mau tamak lagi ada bisnes, utk support di kala kesusahan. Sy sedar manusia mudah lupa,mudah berubah, ada nafsu yg sukar dipuaskan sebab sudah dapat bini yang lawa pun mau lagi cari ppn muda murah, itu baru nafsu berbini, belum sy sentuh pasal nafsu yg itu. Jangan cakap pasal si bini tidak jaga kebajikan si laki lah, kalau suda ada niat mau cari yang lain, memang ada saja alasan si laki utk buat impian bodoh jadi kenyataan. Tapi kalau ada ppn yg memang tidak tahu role as a wife, then ditinggalkan oleh laki, mmg kesian la nasib kau, terpaksa la kau belajar the lesson in hard way. The intention of this post is not to provoke anybody yang mau kahwin cepat atau lambat atau tidak mau kawin langsung, ini pandangan sy,pandangan kau mana sy tahu. Sy taip entri ini utk peringatan kepada diri sendiri. Manusia kan mudah lupa, sy pun manusia bah!

Dec 13, 2008

Mount Kinabalu, here i come!!

I'm ashame but proud to admit that, this will be my first experience ever to climb you Mr Mountain.
Initially i'm suppose to join the climbing trip on February 2009, together with other bloggers but when i get to know another climbing trip will be carry out on 17&18th Dec by Grace and the gang, it takes me no time to say 'I want to join youuuuu peopleee!!'. Thus,i have to cancel my original plan and go for Dec trip. Blame the intense climbing urge, i'm innocent sengihnampakgigi
I dont know about others but being a Sabahan, i find it a must to experience climbing the mountain at least once. And oh,my parent's hometown is in Ranau too. It has become my personal mission to climb Mr Mountain to avoid the saying of orang kampung that goes "Kau orang Ranau tapi tidak pernah naik gunung lagi???" tension
Anyway, i have prepared some of the essentials for the climbing except the glove. I neither want the wool type, nor the one that police traffic wear. I'm looking for a synthetic type, hopefully i can get it by tomorrow. Here's my climbing gears' checklist: A backpack to keep all the things: checked! Sport shoes: checked! Apparel: from inner to outer: tshirt > my sis' wool sweater > windbreaker > poncho (if rain) Mask: checked! Headlamp or torchlight will do: checked! Gloves: will get it a.s.a.p
Medicine: i'll bring paracetamol and calamine lotion for precaution. You might want to know the reason of bringing the lotion, well i tend to get hives during chill. I need to consult a doc about this,hopefully i can eat some pil(s) to avoid that from attacking.
Camera loaded with battery and 1gb MMC: checked! Climbing spirit: Checked! In a high level babeh. Misc: plastic bags, slippers, dry clothes, dry socks, dry towels, tissues, toiletries, vaseline, yoko yoko (haha!), lotion and will check again. Should it be any deficit in my climbing items, feel free to advise. I cant wait!! wooohhhoooooo!!

Dec 9, 2008

The day i become emo

This is very uncommon of me to post this, so yeah..perhaps this is one of those days,yes? Jangan baca kalau tengah bad mood.
My heart ache to see him leaving, and i know he felt that too. I cant stand looking at his gloomy face, he keeps holding my hand all the way. My eyes beaming with tears, and i did my best to hide that from him, i guess i've done it well but it cease at the moment i reach the office. I cried, and subsequently dada pun jadi sakit.sedih At that moment, the thing i dont wish to happen is to see my boss in front of me. I'm glad he's away. I wish i can just calm myself by saying 'he'll call you everyday' or 'he'll visit me someday', but i guess the sayings are way too lame for me already. Ok,so you probably start making assumptions, or perhaps suggesting me solutions. Stop it there. Anyway, saya bersyukur kerana Digi Postpaid mempunyai plan primary-supplementary which cost zero cent for neverending calls and sms-es between the two party. If the plan doesnt exist, i can foresee my future post to be like 'I'm moneyless' or 'I hate si kuning' and so forth. Punya la tidak best post sebegitu! Come back to the matter, well..i think if you've been or currently in a long distance relationship, you will definitely understand my feeling, and the doings of two lovebirds which involves constant sms-ing, calling, atau menulis surat chenta yang berbedak wangi sengihnampakgigi, etc. I believe some ppl just cant stand their friends, their closed ones, doing these when all we do is to maintain or perhaps to revive the relationship? Well that's your problem lah geng, i'll do what i got to do. Those who loves to judge, probably they never encounter that situation and using merely the so-called logic mind to question something,little that they know instead of a brain, a normal sapiens live with what? emotion? duhh!!
Anyway, it's been a while since i last berjoli in KK, thanks to the existence of 1borneo. I dont know how long this board has been there, but i can confidently say this board has succeed to make me (or maybe hundreds of souls there) to not ignore that.
At a distance, it looks like Mother F-er bah. This is one big a$s Mother Trucker? yeah right. haha.


funny pictures of cats with captions My holidays were awesome! because my BF was around, but now's he's back to his place..huhu Hope you people have a great tuesday :)

Dec 3, 2008

Of phobias.

Let see to what extent these phobia-list can go. Pupaphobia: Fear of puppet
I'd like to think the kid is actually scared of the scene, do listen to the background music. I wonder where on earth is the guardian? Imagine if the stool is made of wood, mati anak orang man!
Coulrophobia: Fear of Clown Talking about clown, i still recall this movie It being aired in tv2 when i was 7/8 y.o .Well, glad it only affect me temporarily and i dont dare going to toilet alone few days after. And oh,interesting fact. Johnny Depp skewd of clown too. The beautiful Nicole Kidman fears butterflies. God is fair. hehe. Song of the day: KT Tunstall-Other side of the world.

Dec 2, 2008

The Smiling Moon

Courtesy of Joe's Cafe He captured these awesome view in Bangkok on 1st December 2008, at around 7pm. That's when the moon, Jupiter and Venus are in conjunction. This wont reoccur until May 2011. This indeed make you senyum, yes?

Nov 29, 2008

Too good to be true ;)

MySpace I'm elated today. Very elated.
I went to Proton Inanam with dad today, to claim my new ride. My new ride baby! Wohooo.. I probably going to reveal it in near future, you ppl just have to bear with me, ok?
Yesterday,i went to JPJ to manage the road tax thingy and of course, the car registration no. Tagged along were Alex the great, and another customer of his. A chinese, in mid 40s i guess. He was the one who's very keen to know my plat no, he even ask me right after i get the road tax sticker from the lady at counter. My plat no is XXXX, i said. "Wah amoi, cantik oh itu nombor..besok beli 4D, 50 tiket ah", he said. I grinned. Then last afternoon,in the midst of unwrapping the plastic from the seat, i told dad to buy 4D, "Ok", he said. And few mins ago i check out the toto result via web, guess what? XXXX hit the consolation prize. Straight number somemore, baby kenyit I was dumbfounded at first, coz it's too good to be true bah. Told dad, he laughed hard at it, probably because we only win rm300 ? haha. I was rm75 poorer after i purchased fuel and the steering lock. Now, i got the money back.yiheee!! I dont believe in luck, but i cant possibly explain of what happen today. I guess, i just have to mark this day and stay grateful for everything that i currently own, yes?

Nov 27, 2008

I wrote a long post but i dont know what to name it.

Iklan pokok Xmas
I went to 1B last night to watch Quarantine with LA, and heck, Wednesday happens to be movie day in KK. I never review any movie before, probably because I dont recall the story by the next day. However now, i'm about to make a debut and this movie worth to be mention in my not so famous blog. The Exorcist, Saw, Child's Play, Long Khong, just to name few; If you cant stand watching these, then Quarantine is definitely not your type. To those who haven't watch this movie and wants to preserve the element of surprise, then do not proceed. *Definitely contain spoiler and more*
This movie is of the same concept as in The Blair Witch Project, Clover field , in which these are called as 'shaky camera work', it gives you the feeling as if you are a part of what's happen.
Angela, the reporter and Scott, the cameraman was assigned to documented the life of fire brigades (FB) in Los Angeles. Starting point of the story is very dull; at this point one crucial character is introduced, Jake yang gagah tapi mati juga.
The dull scenes end when they received a phone call which lead them to an old apartment building. An old lady who is believe to be in 'sick' condition refuse to come out from the room, and neighbors testified they heard loud screaming from that room. Feeling something amiss, they call 911 and subsequently the FB. When these authorities arrived, they quickly go to that room and found out the zombie look old lady is covered with blood, and there's a lifeless body lying in front of her. A cop who's trying to calm down the disoriented and wild old lady ended up being bitten and attacked viciously by her. The rest manage to let go off the policeman from the hold of that old lady (man,she's wild and strong!), and quickly bring him to the parameds. Before they can even do that, the door is shut externally, the communication lines are cut off, and the building is sealed tightly. Unluckily, there's only a vet to look after the bitten cop. All became panic; me, the tenants, the dog (haha), even the FB and cops are clueless about the sudden isolation.
Right after this point, it's all about being in tense mode. You'll get to know: 1. The vet assumed the 'sickness' as animal rabies because it shares the same symptom, but it takes longer time for animal to show the symptom, whereas in this case in human, it happens very quick. (i cant give you the numerical definition of quick, it's very dark, cant even see my watch..LOL) 2. All who has been bitten by the infected one, will end up being like the old lady, a bloodthirsty killer. Once bitten, they need to be kill before the symptoms manifest. This is when killing infected kids and old ladies would make life much better. Very vicious,you know.. urrgghh!! 3. You'll get to witnessed lots of killing. Killing is an understatement. 4. Someone did tried to escape thus he tore apart the seal, and ended up dead after being shot by a sniper. That's when we realized (remember i witnessed that too), everyone in the building is meant to die. 5. This movie has no definite ending. I'm expecting the sequel to explain the indefinite ending of this. I'm so going to watch this movie again! 6. This one particular scene stays in my thought; It was when Scott the cameraman, killed the infected old lady (too many oldies character in the movie) using the hand held camera, and hit her head hard, for like 6-7 times. The cinematography technique used is very effective, i get very dizzy during the scene, imagine banging you head with all you heart like that much. Other than that you can hear the sound of the skull's cracked at the first hit, not to mention the bursting blood. can somebody forget nasty thing like that? *end of spoiler and i guess i've revealed more..opps* Bah, enough of that. Watch if you must ;) As any other shopping complexes in kk, 1B too already set up their Xmas deco. I've seen lots of Xmas trees been put up in each floors, but still i hope to see a gigantic one. I simply love December. Not only Santa is coming to town, BF as well. I dont think i can claim any present from him because i've been really naughty every this year. muhuhu.

Nov 25, 2008

Itchy hand leads to destruction..muehehe

25th Nov 2008, 6.59pm waktu Malaysia In the midst of upgrading here and there, so please dont bother to look after the shoutbox and stuffs. Gue lagi busy nih (<----- haha..pengaruh sinetron di tb) 8.26pm While everyone is in Xmas mood, i'm already in New Year's mode. hehe. This template is going to take some time to load but for the sake of the design, i'll make do with this one saja lah. Oh, this template only works with Mozilla Firefox, for IE's time to switch..hehe

Cat enthusiast: Read this.

Click the pic to reveal ;)
[ ] kneading on you- uh never. [ ] excessive shoving of kitty litter- uh never have one. [X] staring contest- uh man, countless! [X] bring you dead animal(s)- yep, cockroach.. mesti dia mau share makanan dgn saya ni..haha.. jangan berprasangka buruk dgn kucing bah. [ ] throwing up grass- is yet to happen. jangan la kau muntah aa miau, saya nda mau urus. (cey, macam la kucing saya pandai read blog) [X] Sleeping on your electronic- Oh,selalu sangat ni. kucing kan suka perhatian yg melebih lebih. [X] hiding in dark places and watching you- tu kucing cant stand watching me seja, mesti dia mau pergi bercomel depan saya. Saya tau tu gaya dia. haha [ ] pawing at ur face while u sleep- uh never. try la kalau mau tu paw kena gigit. [X] sprinting at light speed out of any room you enter- all the time ukey? Especially if it's the main door, suda dia lari pegi rumah orang. Mesti dia ada kekasih yg berhampiran nih. My result: 5/9 Cey, i no skewd ok? Lain la kalau kucing tu ialah kucing jadi-jadian.

Nov 24, 2008

80 vs 20

..has become history. I'm having hard time with that post. I am so misunderstood. My bad.

Nov 21, 2008

About pets

~Never fail to make me happeh~ The ten commandments for men pets
  1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
  2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
  3. Place your trust in me. It's crucial for my well being.
  4. Dont be angry with me for long and dont lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment but i have only you.
  5. Talk to me. Even if i dont understand your words, i do understand your voice when speaking to me.
  6. Be aware that however you treat me, i will never forget it.
  7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that i could hurt you and yet i choose not to bite you.
  8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might me bothering me. Perhaps i'm not getting the right food, i might have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
  9. Please take care of me when i grow old. You too, will grow old.
  10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me. Please. Never say you cant bear to watch. Dont make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there because i love you so. ALWAYS!
Written by Stan Rawlinson,1998
I'm not being an emo, i'm just being a human. Are you? PS: my cat isn't dead yet ok? Please clear that from you thoughts.

Nov 20, 2008

Uh mai cow

For more drama click here And this suit the saying that goes "Everything is possible?" What a world..hmm..

Nov 18, 2008


Tag from hottie Beck. My 7 dream cars deblang. The rules: 1. The title of your entry must be "My 7 Dreams Cars" 2. Add a link to the person who tagged you 3. List your 7 dream cars (preferably with pics of those cars) 4. Tag at least 7 other bloggers (you! dont pretend to not see!! miahahaha..) 1. Toyota Vios, the older version. Imho,the new version's look is much alike frog. No offence to org yg berkenaan, but in fact u'll find more harsh remarks about the look of the latest vios in almost everywhere forum.
2. Hummer..i've seen this truck twice in KK; once at IP's traffic light, 2nd time it was parked in front of the fed govt building. Unluckily i dont have the chance to look at the driver. I'm so gonna be jealous if it happens to be a female! uhuhu :(
3. Wrangler Jeep. I dont like the 4 doors version, it'll have the same look as Hummer. And if that happens, i'd still go for Hummer. keh keh keh.
4. Mazda rx-7. I love it for obvious reason..duh?? 5. Toyota which i always mistaken as Subaru Imprezza. 6. Mini couper- as much as i love big big car, i do love minis too. Cute. 7. Hm..My boss's car? haha.. I'm so lazy to put the pic of the others, it's no alien to you also.

today's tuesday.

ABC tag from honeyBUZZ hive (uhh, i skewd of bee hivez..uhuh) A. Attached or Single? i'm seeing someone, so i guess neither. B. Best friend? something i have few C. Cake or pie? cake sukulat. D. Day of choice? MONDAY lalalalala~~ E. Essential item? purse, handphone. F. Favorite color? blue. G. Gummy bears or worms? adui, it's food vs animal lah. saya tidak mahu cacing sebab cacing itu geng ular, cuma tidak pandai membesar mcm ular n teda taring,teda bisa n makan tumbuhan seja. H. Hometown? hahaha..i seriously dont know how to answer this, btw i'll say KK lah. I. Favorite indulgence? cannot tell. J. January or July? I should've love July bekaus it's my birth month but sadly July has no holiday. I'd go for january bekaus many many horray-day. K. Kids? something i dont have,yet. L. Life isn’t complete without? love. M. Marriage date? i forward this Q to org yang berkenaan. N. Number of magazine subscriptions: Aiso O. Orange or Apple? Orange P. Phobias? swimming and f-ing snakes dan geng ular. Q. Quotes? "Things that do not kill you, make you strong" R. Reasons to smile? many. S. Season of choice? holiday season T. Tag 5 people... - screw it. i'll say T for tenuk hitam di depan, putih di belakang. lalalala~~ U. Unknown fact about me? blood type is O,but dont know rhesus apa. V. Vegetable? ..i lurve. W. Worst habit? many. X. X-ray or ultrasound? undergo neither. Y. Your favorite foods? foods that i cook. Z. Zodiac sign? Amaleyo-yo!
While doing this tag i was shocked to see a sudden chat popped out on my screen, and instead of saying HI, that uncivilized lady typed OI. She's not even my close friend, not even someone i see often, what's with the OI lah? Subsequently after the OI, she asked for favor, a total retard she is. What makes you think i'd care about that, woman? By my nature, i clicked X-the-CLOSE. You need something, then you better ask in respectful,mannered way or else expect none!
I f-ing hate forwarded emails. I dont give a dang about the most expensive house in the world lah, black magic lah, and so on lah. I also dont mind if i only received ONE stupid fwded email everyday, but how can i let loose of myself when i received like 10 of it every morning? mau gila lah delete those!! And yes, I'm deleting those because it cause me much trouble especially when i need to find some very important emails.
Until i found one special button. SPAM. yuuhuuu SPAM i like.
I already spammed 4 of my friends, and not forgetting friendster gila "Your friend wants to share application with you" updates. Whatever craps they are sending, it'll be send directly to spam folder, and will be deleted automatically after 1 week. If these retards sending email which is of important matter, then be it, kotoh!!! Hm..i feel much better now.

Nov 15, 2008

Saturday's post

This is going to be the final month to enjoy my privilege as passenger in both pajero and sang kancil. I'm enjoying every seconds of it to the max, but at the same time i'm getting nervous too. So nervous till it emerged in my dream at night of 12Nov2008, only 1 hour before i woke up and get ready to work. How can i possibly tell it's 1 hour prior? bekaus i stupidly set my alarm to 4.50am,1 hour advance than it suppose to. Then in half awake mode i suprisingly manage to reset my alarm to 5.50am, which was after i turned off the 4.50am, go to menu, choose alarm,and perfectly pressed 5 5 0 am and not pm. hi ho ha. Come back to my dream, funny thing was, i drive so confidently as if i've been driving since i get my license which i am not. Why you may ask? bekaus there is no available car for me to make damage of drive. You might say it's a lame excuse but i know it's the best among the lamest reasons i can possibly give. ha ha ha. Nonetheless, i believe i'll get use to drive again though it might takes few injuries, be it on me or on my hm..wait and see. he he. One thing for sure, i'm going to miss being passenger in dad's bekaus my dad drives so fast, and it takes only 15mins (his best record kenen) to reach home via jalan likas yang selalu jammed-jalan kolombong yang sungguh lapang during rainy days. Not only that, i also going to remember dad's 'soft' remarks to some drivers which he frequently labelled as 'tidak berdisiplin, tidak bertamadun, buduh dan banyak lagi, cuma saya yang tidak ingat.' Although the trafic congestion in KK is not as bad as in WM (as in west msia, not ur name ok wel..haha..mati la aku!!) but it's enough to make one's blood get boil due to those road retards. I hope i am not going to be the tidak berdisiplin, tidak bertamadun dan buduh dan byk lagi yg saya tidak pernah ingat dia cakap. hi ho he. In fact, dad can just use the F word freely in front of his 23 yo crazy daughter but dad is being dad, he keeps his sanity far above than his emotion. I hope i inherit that gene,but so far there's no evidence of that gene's existence in the-retard-me. kah kah kah. In another 2 weeks, December will come. How time flies, early this year i was still struggling with my final year project and the plant design, which feels so yesterday. Here's the pic of me and course mates early this year, it was taken during our study trip to a choc processing factory. There are tonnes of us but the rest were so busy buying chocs ,they give 10% discount bah bebeh.
student life were awesome!!
I guess,we just have to enjoy life to the very maximum,yes? Betapa irony nya kata kata ku itu.
Today's modified word: bekaus because i love the sound as in be-ka-wus. very the british gitu. haha!

Nov 11, 2008


Tagged by Wel and Izanzuani 1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!. 2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair... Just take a picture. 3) Post that picture with NO editing. 4) Post these instruction with your picture. 5) Tag 10 people to do this (saya sungguh malas mau bikin yang ini) Tada!! tepuktangan
Feel free to zoom the pic and measure my pores size. haha!
Bah,enough with this madness.

Nov 9, 2008

'This is a blog...duh'

..has become my new blog title. No reason to change,just a sudden want-to feeling. I squeeze my brain hard to come out with a new one, but i cant think of any decent lines except the one that i'm using now. So people, as long as the title remain unchanged, note that the author is still thinking hard to name this blog, ok? Or probably i already forget about it, and make do with that one saja. hehe. I bought The Secret from ebay since the last two weeks, and got it last tuesday, the day when i posted about 'to think or not to think'. About that, i've choose not to take any action. It's impossible to feel good and at the same time to be having bad thoughts; quoting The Secret "If you're feeling good, it's because you're thinking good thoughts", and that's a flawless line IMHO. As per what-had-happened-to-me thingy,i believe i must have been lying to myself or i'm creating conflict which in the end gives me nothing but confusion. Something is obviously wrong, thus i guess the safest way is to do nothing...Hmm..Anyway, The Secret has become the best rm46 item (including postage..haha!) i've ever owned, period! Two of my bros will be sitting for STPM and SPM exam next week. Wishing them and other candidates:
1. All the best!! (..instead of lame good luck wish, because i just dont believe in luck.) 2. Most importantly, jangan lupa bawa IC and slip peperiksaan. 3. Breakfast!

Nov 6, 2008

Only in facebook

credit to gigglesugar -how a relationship starts and end in FB- Entah anak siapa la punya kejadian ni..
I've once put 'in a relationship' in my status field, but after some heated argument with him , saya menjadi sungguh marah lalu i deleted the field, by default, it changed to 'single'. haha. punya la kepoh my friends asking me "betul kah kau single?". Funny the bunny. Nonetheless, those in FB are my real life friends also (i dont add strangers, and mine is private profile ,note that); they know exactly to whom i'm attach with so with or without the status field, the relationship remains unchange bah.
Somehow today, instead of being in a relationship, i've become in a relationship with Fred. As if 'in a relationship' is not good enough bah. Dont get me wrong here, i have no intention of hiding my real status but i dont see the point of confirming detail which is already well known, unless lah i added strangers in my FB which is so impossible to happen. However since it's only click away to confirm, then why not? sengihnampakgigi

Nov 4, 2008

Nov 2, 2008

You should'nt laugh at this

*Percubaan menulis dalam BM, jikalau saya menggunakan BI dipersilakan untuk menempeleng saya.* 1.Saya bersyukur dengan masalah yg melanda saya beberapa hari lepas, itu membuatkan saya lebih kuat dari sebelumnya. 2.Saya bersyukur dengan kewujudan keluarga jauh saya yg sangat bangang dan palui dan suka menikam. Saya berjanji tidak ingin dan tidak akan menjadi seperti mereka. 3.Saya bersyukur kerana saya memiliki blog ini kerana saya mendapat ramai kawan baru. 4.Saya bersyukur kerana saya berusia 23 tahun dan masih bernyawa. 5.Saya bersyukur kerana saya mempunyai bapa yang paling penyabar, paling cerdik, paling pandai memandu dan laju memandu, dan lain lain paling. Saya tahu dengan adanya dia, saya akan sentiasa berusaha utk menjadi baik, sekurang kurangnya menjadi penyabar seperti dia. 6.Saya bersyukur kerana mempunyai 4 org adik yang mendengar cakap. Rumah saya sentiasa bersih. haha. 7.Saya bersyukur dengan keadaan kakak saya yg sihat, dan gembira. 8.Saya bersyukur kerana mempunyai seorg BF yg tidak pernah gagal utk menyokong saya ketika susah. Dia terlalu baik dan saya rasa tidak layak utk mendapat semua ini. huhu. 9.Saya bersyukur kerana saya sudah pernah melihat kesengsaraan dan kesedihan yg di alami oleh mendiang mama saya, dengan itu saya tahu saya perlu sentiasa menghargai hidup saya. 10.Saya bersyukur kerana dapat mengenali seseorang yg sangat istimewa di hati saya. 11.Saya bersyukur kerana mempunyai bentuk badan yang sepadan dengan ketinggian saya. Biarpun saya bukan JLo, pramugara airsia yang kacak itu selalu berada di tepi saya. hahaha. 12.Saya bersyukur kerana saya mempunyai kawan kawan yang sangat memahami, selalu menyokong dan menyayangi saya. Saya juga gembira kerana mereka tidak pernah pergi ke pub seperti saya. haha. 13.Saya bersyukur kerana badan saya tidak pernah dicemari dengan rokok dan minuman keras. 14.Saya bersyukur kerana mempunyai seekor kucing yang selalu menggembirakan saya, biarpun dia bukan milik saya. 15.Saya bersyukur kerana saya boleh makan semua jenis daging (haha!), semua jenis makanan laut, semua jenis aiskrim dan semua lah. 16.Saya bersyukur kerana saya mempunyai rupa yang sangat naif, biarpun sebenarnya tidak. Oleh itu saya belajar untuk tidak menilai seseorang dari paras rupa. 17.Saya bersyukur kerana saya sudah bekerja dan mempunyai pendapatan sendiri. 18.Saya bersyukur saya pandai memasak tapi bukan seperti Jamie Oliver, dan tidak cerewet pasal makanan, begitu juga dgn BF saya. Saya tidak peduli dimana saya makan, yg penting saya makan dan tidak gastrik. 19.Saya bersyukur kerana ramai yg menyayangi saya, oleh itu saya berjanji tidak akan mengecewakan mereka. 20. Saya bersyukur kerana saya tahu bersyukur. 21.Saya sangat bersyukur kerana anda masih membaca. Habis suda. hehe.

Oct 31, 2008

Thank You and STFU morons

On behalf of my-sane-self, i would like to thank every comments received for the past few days, it did help me to cope with my current situation. This month is going to be hard for me and the rest of my close family, but we've been through hell before, hope we can make it through this time too.
As what Ornest wrote in his comment in my previous post "The most important thing is to forgive and let go...". I have forgiven her, in fact i never blame her. During this hard time, she has made me realize that the love between family should be unconditional, regardless of your wrongdoings. Like they say "Susah senang, family will always be there". One positive gain so far.
Negative one..hmm..I've seen the bad side of some of my moron-distant-family members since long time ago,and as predicted, THEY DID IT AGAIN! ; they wasted ZERO money on us, yet they act like they are the one who raises us. They get over react, and start cursing as if they're God. These morons go to church every sunday, mind you! Funny thing is, they always talk behind us, never do it in front. Pussy! Just so you know, these people juga lah yang abused me mentally when i was 10-12! Well, that'll be another unreveal story lah. You wouldnt want to know what they've said to me, trust me.
My DAD, bapa kandung, biological dad, the one who raises us with his OWN money, NEVER act like they did, as what i've seen so far lah. Dad's logic mind is greater than his emotions, a great man indeed. As long as dad keep himself compose, and keep loving us that's more than enough. The babi babi sekalian, who is suppose to be FAMILY (ptuiiihhh!!!) can booked their tickets straight to hell by keep saying bad things behind us, curse her, curse me yang they claimed as kurang ajar, and God knows the upcoming ones .I f-ing seriously DONT CARE. Another positive gain,during this time i realize the people who stand by my side. Words cant describe how grateful i am to have you people in my life. I always know i'm blessed in so many ways, and the presence of you people, are just too awesome for me. Thank you very much.
I know now i can move on, and be happy. *And those who know me in real life, stop asking me why why why why for shit sake. I dont feel like sharing my personal things to you lah, respect that! *

Oct 29, 2008


This condition might be the consequences of various feelings which come in bundle (in 3 days,mind you)..If few days ago i was so merry like santa, and yesterday was so down, today i am amuse..of myself! haha. Macam ayat orang gila pula bah ada konflik perasaan. Atau adakah saya mencipta konflik perasaan sendiri nih? lols. Some say,time will heal everything, which i dont agree a pinch. Let say in a chemical reaction, we need two reactants to produce one product (assume this is an ideal reaction, no side product). In order to shift the reaction to favoring the product, we need catalyst to increase the reaction rate. However catalyst wont be consume during the reaction,if it comes in 1 mol, then out will be 1 mol too. This is how catalyst and time (as per context) is connected; We can put in as many catalyst as we want to increase/decrease the rate but at the end of the reaction, the quality of the product depends strongly on reactant, which is in this case is the human lah. Funny when us, humans keep on relying on time to mend things, but it happens to some people, and no offence if you're happen to be one of them. This a note to myself to stay compose supaya tidak jadi gila semula. Anyway,i've been listening to this track by Jay Chou for few days. A sombre one,but i dont feel the sadness while singing,which is so unlike me. Adakah saya suda sot? Hm..My tongue get twisted singing the song, that's when i know my mandarin gagal dengan cemerlang suda.
ru guo yao zuo qing ni ji de wo ru guo nan guo
qing ni wang liao wo
I think i need another weekend gateway, dad too.

Oct 28, 2008

While i was away..

This morning, i had a long conversation with dad in the car. Something had happened for the past few months and i only been told about the details today,while dad been told yesterday! It's too personal to share, but i know this shit happens in some family, so it's not a big fuss for you to know anyway.
-To You-
I know you dont even know the existence of this blog penned by your sister, but if you've miraculously found it, i just want you to know that me and dad are devastated by the decision that you've selfishly made. Don't come to us in 10 years time and says you regret doing it, you should've known the aftermath better. Despite of all these, we still love you as always. Me and dad will help you to get through the shits from 'them' which is about to come in near time, at the same time, i hope you'll open your eyes to see how this family that you've put behind works as your support system, something that you'll never get elsewhere. -end- **Anyway, i've been swamped by lots of lurrvve for the past few days, this news however balance my current emotions; I'm neither sad nor happy. So no worries.**

Oct 27, 2008

Oct 23, 2008

Here comes

She'll spend her holiday to a place quite similar to this to celebrate life. Dad says "it's a waste of money", the indirect meaning of that,by all means is "i just want you to stay at home, be the sweet,little girl that you used to be so that i can monitor you all the time". Most dads are like that, yes? Or maybe dad is in denial state, reluctant to accept the fact that us have grown up. Hmm..
I refuse to feed his need merely because this is my life, i deserve all the good and bad in life. Thus, i'm off to that place tonight and will be back on Monday. *Geez, this morning dad was so quiet in the car, merajuk* Happy holiday people!

The Pink Sisterhood: breast cancer awareness month

Tagging rules:
  1. Put the logo in your blog
  2. Add a link to the person who shared it with you.
  3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs and leave a note for your nominee on their blog (ok, read saaaaaana bawah)
  4. Add links to these blogs on your blog:1. -Fara, 2. massy 3. N.O.Y 4. Bandagedknee's: Sink Into My Darkness [The Coffin Talk] 5. mell_f 6. -YOUR BLOG HERE-
*Someone in my family died because of breast cancer, thus knowing the probability of me getting it is very high, i do all my best to lessen it. I know it can strike me anytime, for it's already in my gene. Nah,bikin takut kan.xpasti Regardless of any month that we're talking right now, I hope the women/men out there will take good care of their body, as much as i care mine.*
Thus, i'm tagging these 7 ppl: Chris Izan Esther bebeh Urang Ranau Toiletpaper aka Max (i've read ur recent post about health bah,tu la i pilih u..euwww) Nadia Sweetie

Today's thought

Date: 23 Oct 2008 Time: the moment i woke up till now. haha! Venue: bedroom-bathroom-office. haha lagi! Mood: Sot and happy juga.
"Fate determines who comes into our lives, heart determines who stays."

Oct 21, 2008

Of Tuesday

Have read technical report for 3 hours, and i'm not even reaching half of the whole pages. Then the other two are waiting to be read. sheesh. I foresee myself to be juling, sleepy and kerazie if i dont get some entertainment fix that moment. Thus, at times when tense arise at work, all you have to do is: Go to youtube, search for David Archuletta's latest single, Crush..then imagine he's singing that for you. That works very well on me. haha! .* To guys,chill ok?. Dont hate David because ur gf adores him. haha!* Or You can listen to Coldplay's recent masterpiece named "Viva la Vida" (which in Spanish means long live life but Coldplay alias-ed the song as Death and All his I dont know about you ppl but imho, Chris Martin's voice has this distinct tune and it soothes to listen to. The lyrics are wise-made too. Or Chat with a whacky friend. Haha! Thanks to you, it was sangat menggembirakan ok? malu Or Update yer' blog.merajuk Or Do all the mentioned above. Multitask ppl fascinates me. kenyit Happy Wednesday! (haha..only kadusmama understand the reason of bringing forward Wednesday before it suppose to be jelir) Oh,my working hours is from 7.30am-4.30pm. That explains my advance-going-home time. Oh again, to any chemical eng. graduates who have interest of working in SFI, they're presently hiring chemical eng management trainee. Go to their website for more info. a friend of mine ask me to forward the sms around..SMS lagi? please. I can spread it free here. peace Ok,no more oh.

Oct 20, 2008

Always the smarter choice

click to enlarge
That's my Digi's bill statement for this month.
We always assume that sms-es cost cheaper than making calls, however since the conversion of my prepaid plan to postpaid, thing goes reversely. Tapi i dont think 603 sms-es in a month is too much la, ada lagi yg sampai beribu ribu sms-es what. keh keh keh.
I should have call and call and call and talk like there's no tomorrow. Nonetheless, i still heart Digi :) . Zero charge between me and BF,you kneeoww..I'm glad Digi has such plan. kalau tidak, pokai oh. Now tell me, which is always the smarter choice? say what? haha!

Oct 17, 2008 read this.

A virgin girl is on the phone and asks her boyfriend to come over and have dinner with her parents. Since this is such a big event, the girl announces to her boyfriend that after dinner, she would like to go out and make love for the first time. * * * * * * * * * Well, the boy is ecstatic, but he has never had sex before, so he takes a trip to the pharmacist to get some condoms. He tells the pharmacist it's his first time and the pharmacist helps the boy for about an hour. He tells the boy everything there is to know about condoms and sex. * * * * * * * * * At the register, the pharmacist asks the boy how many condoms he'd like to buy, a 3-pack, 10-pack, or family pack. The boy insists on the family pack because he thinks he will be rather busy, it being his first time and all. * * * * * * * * * That night, the boy shows up at the girl's parents house and meets his girlfriend at the door. "Oh, I'm so excited for you to meet my parents, come on in!" * * * * * * * * * The boy goes inside and is taken to the dinner table where the girl's parents are seated. The boy quickly offers to say grace and bows his head. * * * * * * * * * A minute passes, and the boy is still deep in prayer, with his head down. * * * * * * * * * 10 minutes pass, and still no movement from the boy. * * * * * * * * * Finally, after 20 minutes with his head down, the girlfriend leans over and whispers to the boyfriend, "I had no idea you were this religious." * * * * * * * * The boy turns, and whispers back, "I had no idea your father was a pharmacist." P.S Should've said the condoms are meant for a science project. lol. Happy weekend peeps.

Oct 16, 2008

Of today.

I have no drive to do work at the moment, blame it all on the hard-knocking-GDEx fella. Sangat kurang asam ok. He knocked the door so hard as if he's a hulk wannabe, while i, the very ayu and gentle lass is tracking down client's invoice, diiringi dengan lagu laguan yang sentimental. I am so disturbed by the loudness, cant even do the tracking properly, then i stop everything. I call the guard to check on the fella. Padan muka. Knock yang berhemah will do la bah, dont knock as if no tomorrow. Sheessshh. Anyway, tomorrow is friday..yeay!. Everybody loves friday. Wont be around during weekends, have to accompany my friend in the hotel till sunday. So it'll be a weekend for the girls only, yes?

Oct 15, 2008

Cat post

Got this from PhotoFunia
kitty: She'z looking after uz. We should runz. Big cat: We should notz. We're safe 'ere. kitty: -_-"

He loves me....NOT

I thought your heart belongs to no one but me. I know I am mischievous. I am stubborn. I am difficult. I always put you at the edge. Somehow you still love me. I naively thought the feelings stay forever. With our current mode of relationship, many possible bad things can happen. You assured me it’ll be fine. I trust you. Until i found out that you’ve been checking on other babes. Last week you told me you want that babe, I ask you the reason; you came out with lots of it. “He must have been thought about this deliberately”, I mumbled. My heart ache, I know I can’t deviate you from materialize that decision. And selfishly you did. I am f-ing hurt. However for the sake of your own happiness, I have to make peace with your decision. I promise I’ll hush. I confidently know I am far better than her, but I have to succumb to the fact that she has defeats me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This babe cost him around rm1k. Now I officially become his other gf (fact!). Hmpphh. *cerita ini telah direka dengan sengajanya oleh si pencinta kucing..lols*

Oct 13, 2008

yesterday..and they meet again..

Yesterday- Leona Lewis They can take tomorrow and the plans we made, They can take the music that will never play, All the broken dreams, take everything, Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday, They can take the future that will never know They can take the places that we said we will go, All the broken dreams take everything, Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday Of what happened few hours ago:
*They used to be lovers, somehow the guy betray the relationship, left the girl with pure hatred and vengeance.
After 4 years, particularly 4 days from now, they are going to meet again. Yours truly is going to be the middle person,and the sole responsibility is to avoid the possible awkward situation between them.. hehe. There wont be a glimmer of chance to live the past relationship lah, both have move on. Thus i guess my role is very simple. lols.
And this actually meant for something. Well why so serious? Just enjoy then ;)

Oct 11, 2008

Quote of the day

Mell as of today in Sushi King 1B yg nda sedap
Time spent with cats is never wasted. ~Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette~
So what are you waiting for? Happy weekend!

Oct 9, 2008

Dont bother to read this.

Tag from Ann, my lil sis childhood friend. [01] Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to? - No i don't. [02] Have you ever been given roses? - Yes i have. [03] What is your all-time favorite romance movie? - to hell with is. I lurrrvvve 10things i hate about you and He was cool (it's a korean movie) [04] Had a Long Distance Relationship? - Currently on it. [05] Do you believe in this saying-What goes around comes around? - I definitely do. [06] Do you want to get married? - Who doesn't? [07] How many kids do you want to have? - Adui..I accept how many God wants to give me lah. [08] Whats your favorite color(s)? - Blue, white, pink [09] Who was the last person you held hands with? - I dont recall. LOLs. For sure it's not a guy's hand la. [10] Do you believe in love at first sight? - I do ;) [11] Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - Over and over again babe! [12] At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender? - At the age when i know who to call dad/mom? lols. [13] Do you like anyone? - I do like many-one. [14] Do you know someone who likes you? - I do. ;) [15] Do you love anyone? - Buduh oo..fikir sendiri lah. [16] Do they know you like/love them? - same as 15. [17] Why did you and your most recent ex break up? - He two-timed me, and i'm glad he did that. [18] When did you two last speak to one another? - I dont recall,must be looooooonnnggg time ago. [19] Would you get back together with your ex? - I wouldn't!!! [20] What comes to your mind when you think of love? - happy happy feeling :) [21] Is there anyone who knows you inside and out? - Yes, but only few. [22] Tag anyone? - Nope. Let them have a peaceful life.

Oct 8, 2008

Today's post

I like guy who smells good. love Be it the smell from his cologne, hair gel etc, as long as it brings pleasant odour to my nose, i'm liking it. Like other human beings, somehow, we can tell when its too much of wangi wangian. *Based on true story. lols.* Dad bought a perfumes set for himself,but he only likes it for 3days. He gave it to my youngest bro then,which i think was a very bad decision. (Dad is in 50's,mind you) I hate the smell! As soon as he sprays it onto his body, the smell strikes me straight to the nasal, and gives me nothing but the hate feeling. It cause me headache too. siit. I said to bro "The smell is way too masculine for you, u're only 17. Go use my lotion saja la." He replied ' I dont want, it smells like a girl which i am not' -_-" The scent itself is killing, let me tell you how many layers of wangi wangian he puts. Two. The talc then the EDT spray. I said,"if you can smell your own scent, means u have put too much of it. It kills,ok?" He said 'hm..' Now he only uses the talc. Good boy.sengihnampakgigi I wonder what makes him so keen of using this kind of scent. The only logical reason i can think of is...he's in the process of getting a gf. gigil Anyway, it has been few months of nose abusing, miraculously i'm immune by the killing scent already. The moral behind the story: -Invest some $$ to scent yourself . As long as you smells good will do lah. Each of us can bring effect to those surround us, you kneooww. -To guys: Dont give your perfume to ur son,it's always NOT a good idea. *2 days without streamyx connection is a total suck! That explains my absence during day time, hopefully tomorrow it'll ok.*

Oct 7, 2008

What If..

Another great lyric from a great composer
~What if we were wrong about each other? What if you were really meant for me? What if we were supposed to be together? Would that not mean anything?~ -What if by Babyface (not Wel yang babyface sengihnampakgigi) -
I've encountered with lots of 'what if' questions in life, and it remains. I know i'm not the only one. God please, make time goes slower rindu
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